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Amy picks up the pace following round 1, but her advantage that she had built up against Sally quickly fades once the Princess begins coming closer.


Three minutes had passed, but for both Amy and Sally, it felt like only a few seconds. The affair was becoming more like a standoff than a boxing match. Amy was only able to get a few hits in. They were good hits, granted, but if she could only get two hits in every round, there was no way she could knock Sally out by the time the match ended. Sally, on the other hand, was only concerned with her defense. Trying to stay away from Amy long enough to take control of the match was proving much more difficult than she thought, and there was no way she could beat her at her own game. Something had to give. She noticed the cracks in Amy's seemingly concrete guard before, so maybe she could--

Then, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the second round.

Both fighters removed themselves from their respective corners, held their guards up, and moved back towards the center. Sally was a bit more reluctant in getting close however. From now on, Amy was going to have to earn her positioning. No matter how much, Sally was going to take whatever distance she could get.

Amy was the first to attack, throwing a left hook towards Sally's chest. Sally swayed back, like she had done previously, but instead of moving back, she remained in the same spot. If Amy was going to keep closing in, it was better to try and be more subtle about keeping her distance, even if it didn't add up to much. Sally's upper body instinctively went back, when Amy threw a right jab towards Sally's head. It landed with a dull thud, square in her face, and her head popped back quick. It was a stronger jab than most, and it made Sally want to back off immediately...but she had to remain dedicated. Sally fired back with a right straight to Amy's chest, and by the feeling of her gloves against a mixture of cloth and flesh, along with a soft yelp from Amy, she knew she had hit her mark, even before Amy removed her glove from Sally's face.

That's it, Sally, The princess thought to herself. Dodge the stronger punches, and try to fight back with the weaker ones.

The sensation of pain made Amy want to cover her busom up, a move that proved to be the right call as a right jab from Sally aimed at her torso collided against her guard. As weak as it was, she could tell that Sally was going to keep up the pressure now. Instead of being so calculated, she was going to fight when she could. But if there's one thing Amy knew about Sally, it was that she always forced herself to react to whatever came her way. That was going to be the deciding factor in this fight.

Amy threw a left jab towards Sally's stomach, and with ease, the Princess dodged it. She was sticking to her plan...but she wasn't going to take punches if she didn't need to. Sally retaliated with a right jab to Amy's head. The pink hedgehog swung her head back, narrowly avoiding it. Then, an exchange of blows began forming. Sally threw a right jab towards Amy's head, which only met air as Amy swung her head back once again. Amy came back with a left hook towards the chipmunk's head. Again, nothing but air. Sally replied with a right hook towards the champion's skull but Amy saw it coming, and dodged once more. Predictability was going to become both fighters worst enemy here, but Sally knew if she kept this up, Amy would tag her good sooner or later. It was time to...

Sally gasped as a left jab came flying for her head, and she lifted her guard just in time to block it. Pay attention...that would've been an awful way to go out. Sally thought to herself as the two began circling each other once more.

It seemed like both fighters were refusing to make the first move, instead opting to wait for their opponent to do so instead...but as the clock was winding down, Sally knew this was going to be a much longer battle if a move wasn't made. In a move that surprised everyone-Amy mostly-Sally stepped in with a right upper to Amy's stomach. It was an unexpected move, considering how safe Sally was trying to play it...but it worked. Sally's right glove pierced Amy's stomach, and she hunched over the glove a bit as her cheeks filled up with air.

 "Grrph..." Amy groaned as a bit of air escaped from in between her lips. Time felt as though it moved slower as the feeling of the blow lingered even as Sally began removing her glove...then, she followed up with a jab from the same hand that accentuated the pain, making Amy gag softly. Sally was going to lay into her at this rate...but that was one of the stronger stomach blows she had felt. She was hiding this much power behind her blows?

There was no time to dwell on it any further, however, as Sally continued her assault with a left uppercut towards Amy's chin. The pain was excrutiating, but she had to bear with it. If she focused on the pain instead of the fight, her fate was already sealed. Amy fought back with a left straight towards Sally's head, which was met with the feeling of a stiff guard blocking her target. Sally fired back with a right hook towards Amy's own face, but she was ready for it. Amy brought up her arms to block, then swung her upper body back as a jab was making its way towards her torso. Instead, it flew past its target, giving Amy an opening to counter with a left hook to Sally's torso. Sally gasped as Amy's glove collided with her chest, and on instinct, replied with a rather quick left hook to the pink hedgehog's already aching belly. Amy coughed out a bit of air as the blow landed, her eyes widening. The chipmunk followed up with a right straight, which just barely missed its target: Amy's nose.

"If this is the extent of your abilities, it's a wonder you became champion in the first place," Sally said, trying to provoke Amy into acting.

"You have no right to say that to me, considering who you lost to," Amy responded with a slight smirk. Tricks like that weren't going to work on her anymore.

Sally scoffed, and threw a left jab towards Amy's head to shut her up. She swung back, dodging the blow with ample room. A right uppercut followed after, and it met with the same result: nothing but air. Amy replied with a left upper towards Sally's chest, which was blocked rather easily. They were both fired up, and Sally's own plans for proceeding were quickly moving towards the back of her mind...but it was exhilarating. The two once again exchanged blows in quick succession. A right hook from Amy towards the princess' torso, meeting nothing but Sally's arms...a left upper from Sally towards Amy's stomach, which collided with air...and finally, another right hook from Amy, this time aimed for Sally's head. Sally lifted her guard up once more, nullifying the impact of the blow into a lowly thud.

Sally swung a left upper towards Amy's chest, which met with its target. Amy wanted to cry out, but she gritted her teeth and bore the brunt of the attack...not that it helped as her head snapped back from a stiff left straight. Her guard lowered, her eyes widened, and she stared up at the sky as her vision blurred a bit. She bit her lip as her head returned to face towards Sally, and she fired off a left hook towards Sally's head. She dodged it, but Amy was determined to land something. She stepped in with a right uppercut towards Sally's chin, and the chipmunk's head jerked up as her own eyes widened, sending a spray of saliva into the air.

"Just...one more," Amy said under her breath, sending a left straight towards Sally's busom...then the bell rung once more.



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