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my war on long hair claims another casualty




Press F in respect of Momo’s pigtails.

Shawn K. Younkin

Awwwww!! May consoling Momo is SUPER-adorable!!




I KNEW this hadda be Jeph taking out another longhair... :)


May is showing some real growth... That scares me. What's next? HannersMom develops a conscience???

Grace Kieser

Why were they using oil to make rice!?

Peter Jensen

Well, they *are* <a href="https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3014" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">detachable</a>, so maybe get a replacement pair? Looks pretty cute as is, though.


Would Momo be the most polite punk rock robot ever?

Matt Grayson

With the belly button color changing ability, she has great punk hairstyle potential!


I do not like or approve of your war on long hair.

Gary Walker

May has the right answer.

Holly Nelson

My thoughts exactly. Although, I do know a way of cooking rice which begins with hot oil. You heat the oil, throw in the uncooked dry rice, allow it to sizzle and the rice to brown a bit, and then add your water, which hisses and bubbles most satisfyingly. Then spices are added, and veggies and meats, and the whole schlemozzle is moved into the oven. That’s how my aunt used to make paella.

Scott Vogel

Motorhead is the right answer.

Mitchell Sealy

I'd imagine it's a budget issue. Marigold has to pay for all Momo's chassis needs, and Marigold's not exactly rolling in the dough. Come to think of it, where exactly does Marigold's money come from anyway? She doesn't have a job, does she?


Momo: *screaming* White line fever, make me a believer now

Will Weaver

Momo actually looks great with short hair.


She just needs to get a pixie style, cuteness maintained.


Awwww, May is a great friend here


Momo, you dork. I mean, I get the stress, but you are a dork.


Welp, Momo is god damned adorable now


What time is it?


I love that May is the voice of reason here.


OK. Enough already. With both May and Pintsize turning over new leaves, QC is running short on fuck-ups. Are we down to only HannerMom? And, while I'm at it, there're way too many stable relationships. I can't see Pintsize ever again strapping on a FleshLight (tm). Which can lead to only one thing: Steve gets cereal poisoning and becomes a mutant death-warlord zombie. Please?

Brent Catherman

I thought the correct answer was Lemmy. And it looks like Momo’s chassis has tear ducts if she can get teary eyed over this ordeal.

Jason Zions

It's the singed ends that make it so f'in' punk. Within a week of Momo being seen on the streets like this, I predict a huge style trend. Every person she sees will have a similar singed-ends cut... Coffee of Doom personnel will mercilessly tease every customer with singed hair.


I think I spotted a typo there - "Motorhead" should really be written as "The Fall"... :P

Ben Russell-Gough

Well, Bubbles had better help Momo fix her hair or I'll never forgive you, Jeph!

Clifton Royston

Momo must now go on a binge to learn all of punk-rock history and become a connoisseur of punk and post-punk. Make it happen.

Ben Russell-Gough

Let me expand on my previous post: Hair isn't just an adornment. In comic characters, it also is a part of what communicates their personalities. Hanners's scrappy hair reminded us of her crippling mental health issues and growing it out communicated her improvement. Whilst I could see why she might copy Faye's look, it still felt like a step back. So, with Momo, her hair communicated her golden-hearted nature and her essential goodness. It's part of what makes her stand out and let us see who she is. Without it, she's just a pink May!

Thomas Boys

It would be hard for Hanners to copy Faye's look without a robot paramour: <a href="https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3798" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3798</a>


And now someone has to explain /r/shorthairedhotties to Momo.....

David Howe

butbut, it was an Anime Joke (tm)

Ben Russell-Gough

I've got the incredible need to hug Momo right now and pay for her repairs.

Thomas Boys

I'm now greatly worried that Claire will be Jeph's next long haired target. #PlsDontKillTheFloof


I was wondering why the character in the previous strip, who had to be Momo, didn't look a lot like her.

Summer Sudbrink

Hey, if Emily can write a piece of software that teaches a thermal extruder to apply selective directional bias to memoryform polymer strands and use stem-cell coding techniques to emergently differentiate sections of the resulting fabric, then she can fix Momo's hair.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Weren't Momo's ponytails removable, anyway? <a href="https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3014" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3014</a>


This is the kind of QC I like. I mean, I like all of it. But especially this.


Didn't Lemmy sell smack to the sex pistols at some point

Unanimous D

No I distinctly remember the entire band being a single member of the band. <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dojp4cRXgAEUO0I.jpg:large" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dojp4cRXgAEUO0I.jpg:large</a>