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I fucking hate neckties



Mark P.

Neckties are tools of oppression by the ruling class.


Now kiss!


Lmao love this entire interaction

Mari San

Jeph throwing new shippings at us like it's Fedex or something




...how? How the hell does he make all these characters so fascinating *and* shippable.


Typo in footer: „miuch“


I like neckties! But I don't have to wear them, and just do it for fun, which may be the difference.


I choose to think he's gritting his teeth as he types that...

Cody Renton

tbh it wouldn't take somebody very mean to make me consider quitting my job

Peter Jensen

Well, a good chunk of the cast are now in relationships that we wouldn't want to see end, so we have to get some new shipping targets.

Brent Catherman

Why an actual neck tie? Why not a clip on or possibly something magnetic in Roko's case.


I had one job where a necktie was mandatory. I told the VP I'd take a pay cut if he'd agree that I didn't have to wear a necktie. I won't bother giving his response. The man was RIGID!

Peter Jensen

Her chassis doesn't seem particularly metallic, so not sure how well a magnetic tie would work. Plus, magnets screw up her inhibition circuit ...

Ben Russell-Gough

This is the moment when May learns an eternal truth of personal ethics: Doing the right thing usually means not doing the thing that is fun or boosts your ego!

Ben Russell-Gough

Didn't you know that the company's business plan depended on the rigid adherence to the employee dress code? I'm pretty sure that there is a Dilbert strip about that (and if there isn't, there should be)!

Peter Jensen

Ugh ... glad there's no rigid dress code at my work. Of course, an office job that also requires me to regularly go to the factory floor means there's a valid reason to not dress too nicely.

Rudolph Gerber

Find out about the dress code before you accept the job. If you cant live with it then you know: either keep looking or if needs must suck it up till you can find something better.

Anna Phylaxis

May, no! Convincing a cop to quit being a cop is always an objective good!

Ben Russell-Gough

There is not enough capacity on Patron's servers for me to discuss in full how much I disagree with this statement.


Yeah, that's why most people make 40 minute YouTube videos for their terrible opinions

Dean Reilly

I'm curious about a necktie, as opposed to a clip-on, being part of a police uniform. Wouldn't it be a choking hazard, for human officers at least?

Ben Russell-Gough

A lot of these uniform codes were written many decades ago and from the presumption that a cop didn't need to fear assault from literally every person they contacted on the street, no matter how routine the contact. Respect for the office on the part of citizens and respect for the concept of 'to protect and serve' on the part of officers kept interactions mostly civil at that time, even if fairly 'hot' neighbourhoods.

Carl Fink

I've never understood some people's hatred of neckties. I miss the days I could wear one to work. For a male of my age, it used to be the one colorful and decorative item of clothing that was acceptable in a corporate or academic environment. Jeph, you hate neckties for whatever reason, but you'll literally PUNCH HOLES IN YOUR BODY to hang jewelry from and INJECT INK UNDER YOUR SKIN to be more colorful?

Zach Elwyn

Do AIs "sleep on things"? Given their computing ability, I can't see the variables being overly taxing..

Ben Russell-Gough

Actually, it's been established that humanform AIs don't have much more processing power than humans. Just running their chassis uses up a huge chunk of their processing capability. Because of this, they aren't very much smarter than humans (if at all). It's only the big static AIs like Station who are super-minds.


Yes, and I'll thank you not to act like my personal distaste for a clothing item is an opportunity to editorialize about my body modifications.


There are good cops and horrific cops. Unfortunately, the good ones are the only ones who'd be questioning whether they should remain cops.


I've never been subjected to neckties per se. But I absolutely can't stand to have anything buttoned up to my neck. Having something even vaguely tight around my neck would drive me around the bend real fast. Having ink injected under my skin in an area that is not the front of my neck is a picnic in comparison. And once the tattoo has healed, I never feel it again.


Folks in security have told me they strictly stick to clip-ons, to avoid giving a detainee something to grab in a skirmish.


Body mods and neckties are self-adornment, and if one can be commented upon, so can the other. The body mod isn't sacred because it is harder to remove.


The real problem here is that a name like Basilisk can't be wasted on an ordinary job. I think she should either get work as a fighter at Punchbot's ring, or with Elliot as a bouncer. Or maybe work as a bouncer at the fight rink. Or a referee. I think she might well be a good referee.


My objection to neckties isn't that they're uncomfortable (they are, for me, as I have a gigantic neck and shirt collars never fit well in the first place) but that, and I'm sorry to fans of them, but they look stupid to me. (Some more than others, Mr. President. Gah.) It's just... I know that probably no accessory item bears up under "I thought about this, and now it seems completely ridiculous", but neckties just seem goofy. At least bring back bowties, which are tidy and out of the way...


And yeah, I'm a university IT guy, I've worn a tie once there in 17 years because they were giving me an award. (I think it freaked people out.)


See, I go in the other direction. If I'm going somewhere that I would need a tie, I wear a cravat instead if I can get away with it. Which is the opposite of tidy and out of the way.


Hmm, how so? I mean, at least a cravat is usually tucked in, right?


Neckties suck, but too-tight dress pants are worse. At my old business-casual job I was always in too-tight slacks or a too-tight belt, and I had to pee every five minutes. That shit presses RIGHT on your bladder.

Trigon Manthree

In case you don't what she's named after: <a href="http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/07/roko_s_basilisk_the_most_terrifying_thought_experiment_of_all_time.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/07/roko_s_basilisk_the_most_terrifying_thought_experiment_of_all_time.html</a>


Thats not the pant's fault, you needed proper fitting ones. Take it from someone who knows

Brooks Moses

It is often the pant manufacturers' fault, though, as finding proper-fitting dress pants for many shapes of female bodies is somewhat like finding hen's teeth -- you can find them, but it takes doing your own mad science and genetic engineering to do it.

Hugh Eckert

Thirty years ago, I was working at a place where I had to wear a suit and tie, keep my hair short, shave my beard, and not wear my earring. All of these choices were made by someone else. Now I work at a place where I can show my ink, wear my piercings, and wear comfortable clothes to work; I haven't cut my hair in 20 years nor shaved my beard in 25; the last time I wore a tie for reasons other than LARP costume was my Mom's funeral. All of these are by *my* choice.

Clifton Royston

[Me, banging May and Roko dolls together] NOW KISS!

Carl Fink

I apologize if I gave any offense. I assure you it was not my intent to criticize or editorialize about you in any way. I was (in my own head) just commenting on how different people are from each other, but absolutely meant nothing negative about you at all, or in any way. Let me repeat: I am sorry for the offense given, and it was not on purpose.


Yes, I worked as a security guard several years ago, and while we were not <i>required</i> to wear a tie, if we wanted to, it had to be a clip-on.


Bubbles had to plug in and recharge each night. And when Roko was having her ankle repaired, Faye recommended that she put herself into sleep mode during the procedure.


or buying overly large ones, and taking them to a tailor, which costs beaucoup money... either way it's a big pain, having to buy properly fitting dress pants for curvy bodies. ESPECIALLY if you're a woman who prefers shopping in the men's clothing department. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. but menswear looks so nice!


Wait. Jeph has body mods? All this time I thought I couldn't be a comic artist because I looked too plain. Now I know it's only because I have no talent.


Is it just me or do you really want May and Roko to become friends?....


*sitting on the office chair, cross-legged, no shoes, contemplating how good it is to work for a university IT department*


Let's have Basilisk be the first AI we see going from a "human" chassis to a "tiny robot" chassis.


At least you're following a logical progression. They really don't even like each other at this point - May <i>especially</i> doesn't like <i>any</i> cops - and already people are shipping them? Sorry, it's just not realistic to me. Friends? Yes, it's possible. Banging? Nope.

Danya Michael

Fair, but also, May seems like the type of person who would totally be down to hatefuck.

Gregory Norris

Like Nancie I hate having things around my neck, my dad's the same way he calls it a claustrophobic neck. Don't have any tats but only because I've never felt like a had a good reason to get one. I've no problem with it in theory. Guys wearing earings is a little weird to me but to each their own, it doesn't really effect my opinion of a person.

Gregory Norris

Interesting, I choose to believe that there aren't any computers that can simulate an entire universe though some variation of the holographic universe theory may be true (basically the true universe acts like a huge quantum computer and reality as we know it is a sort of simulation within that system).