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There could be a whole storyline showing how the robots have subetly manipulated all the major events so far

Denise Webber

Awww, underneath that icky exterior, pintsize has a sort of heart 😁

Ted Van Roekel

Still shipping PintMei. And I love the rare but heartfelt moments where we see Pintsize's depths.

Akashimo Hakubi

inb4 au of him actually helping during dora x marten

Lucanid Landman

Honestly, Pintsize, Marten and Dora were probably never going to work long term. Far better to try and shore up a relationship that actually has good potential.

Summer Sudbrink

He just wants to be a part of their world.

Ol' Firebones

GodDAMN I love earnest Pintsize.


PintMay?! I don’t see how that is possible.


I really want that Frick shirt


I need to know whether the little black marks around Ursula are wiggle lines or just straight up grime


I think he's talking about the little lines <i>above</i> Ursula's head. And yes, they're wiggle lines. She's very energetic.

Kinda Squirrely

The coloring makes it look like Momo has heterochromia.

Al Hunt

@Pufnstuff Get one that just says "FLICK" in a really close font. Then it's THEIR fault ;-)


Man if even PINT size is growing as a person, potentially. Oh mole y


Come on Momo, let him have his fun


That said - last panel Momo is on the top ten list of cutest Momo EVER (Which is an INCREDIBLY tough competition)


I thought someone was making sure that Ursula had a face.

Holly Nelson

Even Pintsize, with his blobby hands, gets taken by the back-of-the-head-arm-reach urge.

Ben Russell-Gough

I've long felt that the only people Pintsize feels able to be honest with about how seriously he takes his job as Marten's companion AnthroPC is his fellow Synthetics. This strip just confirms this in my mind. Meanwhile, I really want to know why May thinks that dong looks like an 'Ursula'.

Ben Russell-Gough

I think that they look like antennae. Don't ask me why Pintsize would have fit a sex toy with a radio transceiver.


It's like a big octopus sea witch, obvs ursula.


This Pintsize scares the hell out of me. We'll never know if it's actually part of a long-game setup, with a Ragnarok-style conclusion. But then, OTOH, I'm now "Hell Free"!


Most of the time, Momo is everyone's cute lil' sis. Here she is Pintsize's cute BIG sis.


if you wanna go for the really meta joke, you can put in really small font underneath, SEE, KERNING IS IMPORTANT