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You're sitting across from the most busty woman you've ever seen in your life. You're both waiting on your meal. She has such gigantic boobs , you just can't help but stare endlessly into her valley of cleavage. You wonder if it'll ever end or if there is enough room for you to just hop on in there. She's talking about whatever, but you are not listening to a word she's saying. While she's going on and on about whatever , she keeps resting her whole chest on the table and you can't help but grin. You're trying not to drool profusely, but no breasts has ever made you this "happy" down there like hers. You've barely made eye contact with her this whole time. You want to look into those brown eyes (THEY ARE BLUE) so bad , but you just can't detach your eyes from her globes. 10 minutes go by and as you finally glance around you see everyone else staring at her chest in awe as well. You get home and all you can think about is the girl with the biggest boobs , who just made your cock so hard.




Great story! Hope there’s a part 2!


This exact thing happened to me once. She was assigned as a teammate in math class in college. We had to work on a project so I said let’s meet at my house. She walked in and laid them on the table just like you did. Kept moving her shoulders back and forth with them in her shirt but popping out over her V neck. I knew. I was good to go. And I did...

Capt. Bucky O'Hare

Great development, these stories, I hope they continue!!!

Josh Spertus

The first date I went on with a women in college that was 32JJ we went to Applebee’s. I watched couples stop what they were doing to stare. Bus boys stared for extended period of time and our waiter stammered as he took her order. I did everything I could to maintain eye contact and not “look.” One of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It paid dividends. That night we went back to my apartment and she said since I didn’t stare at dinner I could look. She tucked her blouse in and twisted and turned and it was incredible. I have so many amazing interactions. She wore a lot of vest and oversized blouses trying to hide them so I really appreciate you embrace your curves.


Yes! See , exactly! Nothing more powerful than a girl with some huge knockers 😂😂😜😜


Great story! You were a good boy, so you got rewarded. Nice! Thanks! I like showing them off! I don't ever wear any oversized tops out unless it's a hoodie 😂😂


so this is the type of stuff that's in your mind when you think about your boobs... holy shit that's hot...


I'm as much of a boob hound as you guys are, so of course I have lots of thoughts like this! 😈

Josh Spertus

Congratulations on 400 subscribers and yay for us since we get daily posts! Thank you.


Thank you and thanks to the rest of my awesome community! Yes!! As long as I have 400 patrons I will post daily!!😊 Even when I drop below 400, I'll post every other day. You guys are great!!❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼

Chimaira 10

Definitely a bit more of that please 🤩🥰


*Sitting across from her* Woah, I might be seeing things but...did I just see her slightly swell closer to me? Just a bit...?"


Laying in bed, trying to sleep, hours pass with my stiff erection. Mental images of those breasts invading my ability to sleep. I can picture the bulging breasts perfectly, those vivid blue veins, the sweet creamy skin dense and thick with plush supple soft skin. Their visible texture a dead giveaway for their soft give, their heft visible, even by sight. The cleavage's visible S-shape so enticing yet wholly forbidden, at least on the first date. The shame of not being able to recollect your story filling me with shame. The shame fueling the engorged feeling between my legs. More turned on now than I was at the restaurant. I fumble for my phone and reach one hand under the covers. Dialing your number, the first words out of my mouth after your giggling hello are "I'm sorry, I know I'm breaking the three day rule, but... I need you. How soon can you come over?" You respond by plucking the phone from my hand and saying, "I was wondering what you were thinking about."