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Later this month (March 18th to be precise), I'll be relasing a new title. It won't be the Rikolo collab as that won't be ready for sometime. But this one will feature a very horny demon girl getting 14 inches of Adrian lovin'. I'm aiming for around 75 images, so this won't be a long one in case you're wondering. Currently, about 60 images are done.

You might be wondering why I'm releasing something while I'm in production with the animated project featuring Lana. There's two main reasons:

1) The release is a gift for Vidayen, who's been commissioning since the beginning. So I wanted to do something nice with one of my favorite character of his, Dancer.

2) The 1080 Tis are coming out soon, so I need money to buy a few. :D

Does this mean the other project is delayed? No. That's still being worked at the same time as this one. If you're a $15 supporter or more, you'll receive a copy of the title when it's made available. Until then, I'll keep you updated. Thanks!




Super looking forward to this! Dancer is pretty hot and I was hoping to see more. I can totally relate on those 1080 Tis. My comp definitely needs one of those babies.


Yeah I know. My current 980 tis aren't cutting it. I keep hitting the RAM limit so many times on renders lately.


Sweet! I always look forward to your new sets. Here's hoping this one has a twist beyond man-on-demoness sex - maybe it was Dancer or some kinky artifact she controls that gave Adrian the temporary double dick? 😁 And yeah, the 1080 Ti announcement turned out even better than I expected. Great price, no Founder's Edition markup bullshit, and they barely trimmed down the Titan at all. Don't go throwing those 980 Tis out the window, though - even though their used price will probably crash within the month, the actual sweet spot for 3DX rendering may well end up being a posing rig with a single 1080 Ti and a separate rendering box with ~4 980 Tis. I'll have more to say about it if/when I assemble some hard data.


Having some succubus fetish (with or without wings, futa or female version - I like em all) this is good news.


Get back to work! *cracks whip*