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So last week, Patreon had plans to change their payment system. But today, we have good news as they've decided to scrap it. In other words, the plan to make you pay processing fees is gone and done.

While they may change the system in the future, hopefully they will be more aware about how these decisions should be beneficial to both the creator to you, our supporters. Again, if you weren't for you guys, a lot of us would be here. 



We messed up. We're sorry, and we're not rolling out the fees change. - The Patreon Blog

Creators and Patrons, We've heard you loud and clear. We're not going to rollout the changes to our payments system that we announced last week.



I think its that they calculated there own losses.


I'd like to give patreon the benefit of the doubt, people love to hate, but honestly for adult content creator it's the best way to sell stuff without getting absolutely fucked over by fees. Payment processors generally don't want to touch adult contect and those that do, will charge you accordingly.


True that, I'm just glad the do and your there to do it.


Great news. Keep good working ;)