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these images were self portraits that i took underwater with my go pro at cottonwood hot springs in colorado in may of 2018… back during more simple times. for some strange reason it was not a nudist hot springs which was very disheartening. when i dove underwater i took off my swimsuit anyway to feel the beautiful water on my skin. these are screenshots i pulled from the moving images.

mars is direct thank god. finally feeling active and action again. mercury is about to enter sag during the eclipse in a few days so this intense scorpio communication energy is about to calm down. the moon just left aries and is now in taurus so we are all feeling more grounded emotionally. however neptune is stopped for a moment so our dreams and visions are feeling strange, as if we are in a standstill in a strange world and time today. the sun is now in sagittarius as it left scorpio a few days ago, which brings a lighter more happy fiery energy to our collective ego nature.






Thanks for sharing! Looks very refreshing! So I must ask - do people NOT take their clothes off at these springs? How do others respond if one does remove their clothing? My partner and I have yet to try a natural hot spring!

Elsa Marie Keefe

Yea it depends on the springs... some are nude and some aren’t :( I highly recommend wilbur hot springs in Cali