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Christine is from France. We met here in NYC through our friend Ramiro. She is such a special person, soulmate in my life, and a true gemini. we took these photos one day in the autumn of 2018 in Rockefeller Park north of Manhattan when I had just moved back to the city. We laughed, meditated, ate sushi bowls and snacks around the lake, and took these photos in less than ten minutes. Christine used to model but was also a model agent. When we took these photos she had just returned from living in China and had learned and mastered the art and movement of  Kung Fu. She is extremely smart, powerful and inspiring. I'm so grateful for our friendship. We are similar in so many ways and I'm so thankful for the universe bringing us together. 



Kyle Delaney

Does Christine have a modeling page?

Elsa Marie Keefe

no... she used to model back in france when she was younger but now she is a manager and producer...