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Great news! Now I'll be able to do renders faster!

I have got a new graphic card, RTX 3090, and doubled my RAM to 64 Gb. I'm not a pc geek, so assembling everything was quite a dramatic process. But everything finished well.

Also, I got a membership at https://3dfemaleartclub.com/. Right now, I'm learning their course about scene light. I hope it will increase the quality of my future renders.

Thank you to everyone who supports me. If it were not for you, I wouldn't invest in this! (a lot of emoji hearts)




If this would be your actual working environment, you should also change your monitor ;) Just kidding. I think, your quality of renders deserve only the best and I hope this will help you when working on the game.


anytime I can give a hand with animation stuff on my free time :)