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Hey everyone, the March 2022 polls have officially come to a close. With the tie breaker poll resolved, the victors have been decided!

With a definitive victory, our first place winner of the full color artwork for this month will be, Princess Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Her primary artwork will feature a full term pregnancy. Perhaps a little less agile with that extra weight, but no less intimidating. For our second place runner up, we have Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII. She'll be going through some labor in her primary artwork this month. Not to worry however, after defeating a god-like being, labor should be a cake walk.

Additionally, the winner of the Red Head artwork poll is Starfire from Teen Titans. Expect to see progress updates within the next few days.

Thanks again to everyone for voting. As always, keep your eyes on the lookout for updates as I post all stages of progress with these pieces throughout the rest of the month!


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