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Hey everyone, here is the official Character Artwork voting poll for December 2020. Voting will be open until 11:59 PM CST Friday, December 11th. Reminder that you will only be able to vote in the poll if you are at the Devil Tier or higher.

Demons remember to comment below which character you would like your additional vote to go towards!

Note: The character with the most votes at the end of the voting period will be the subject of the full colored artwork for the month. I will also be doing a character sketch for the character with the second most votes.



I like Jibril a lot but do we need two of her this year?


Even though she already got a sketch earlier, she was a legitimate suggestion. I may put in some limits going forward to avoid doubling up on characters in the future. I figure there are enough other options that chances she will win again are potentially slim.