2023 Patreon Changes (Patreon)
First off, I just got back from the holiday break at my family's... I got sick half way through and spend them in bed x3 I dunno what got me but I'm feeling better at the moment, only having a sore throat and left over coughing.
Starting next year, I will be posting 12 pages a month, that's 2 pages per ongoing comic. I need this as it would allow me to work ahead and have pages to post the next month, so then I can have a trip and attend cons next year! It would also allow me to plan comics better, letting me pause for a minute before thinking what to do next, instead of cramming as many pages in a month as I'm able to do.
Also, with this new pace I can make my COMICS IN COLOR! Not the current ones, just to keep them the same all the way.
Besides that, I will be opening for commission slots for two months straight, then every third month I'll offer slots on FA.
I will be putting OC sketches into the monthly poll together with a couple rule 34 ones.
Hope you understand, I appreciate your support!