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So I was recommended this game by numerous people and I just had to try it out for myself because not only did the aesthetics appeal to me but it was free. Yes, I love free things xD but doesn't anyone else? 

Gameplay was short but I think it was paced nicely for what it was. I noticed on the reviews that some people would have preferred a longer game but I think if the dev dragged it out any longer than they have, people would have complained about the repetitiveness. 

A nice catchy soundtrack, though repetitive. I also loved the unique and eye-catching characters you encounter in the game. I'd strongly recommend anyone to go on steam and try out the game. 

I wasn't originally intending on making dialogues for it but figured it would be a waste not to join in the lewd wagon and add my spin on it to give more spicy narrative~!

Enjoy xD 

And thank you, Nyanthulu as always for the prompt localization. Unfortunately didn't hear back from my Japanese localization expert but that's alright. At least my Korean fans can enjoy this localized~ 

Well that's it for the surprise double post for the day xD Thank you as always everyone! 

Oh, right. I almost forgot to post the versions without the texts. 






I want to see Modeus next xD