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           Turn out the exam I'm about to apply was cancel due to another wave of corvid 19 outbreak in my province. So I'm back sooner than expected and the full build of 0.1.8 will arrive sometime this weekend. 


           You might notice that I changed the way Patreon charge my patron recently. Before the change. I allow people to pledge in without charge and access to Patreon's only post directly. And only charge after the next month. Which I find very fair and customer friendly. Allowing people to 'sample' things out. And if they changed their mind they can just back out and unsub. No question ask.

Why the change then?

          Well. Someone with a brilliance idea that shouldn't be named. (Let call this individual Voldemort.) Voldemort basically unsubs before the charge date. Then sub again the following day after the charge date has passed. This is literally equivalent to having a food sample in a restaurant. He likes the sample. Consume the product. But when the waiter arrives to get his bill. He says the food was bad. Leave......then come back another day for more. What worse is that he going to receive another dish of food. If the system remains as it is. Like other customer who already paid. (In this case, it's my royal patron.)


     I really like giving you guys an option to back off. No question ask. Because people like a different thing. We have a preference. And allowing people to sample something from Patreon only post is neat. But with this issue, I have no choice but to enforce the new charge rule of instant charge after the pledge. 

     With this system enforce. I highly recommend people who looking to support me to only pledge in the early of the month. (Because if you pledge near during the end of the month. You will get charge after the pledge. Then charge again when the next month begins.) 


    Hope you guys can understand my decision. Love to hear your thought in this issue. Maybe you could come up with an idea better than my feeble brain to handle.


    Thank you for following the development. 


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