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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tf643elhfufszgq8iqmzw/snsd_lucky_like_that__live_at_long_lasting_love_fanmeeting_Patr.mp4?rlkey=ktljq3a6itgm7od6vxek7ipr5&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OmFDapVx5ATsu6uJwrnwy1rkbPX7E5RZ/view?usp=sharing




First,because I was at Aaron's 'Soshi Tam Tam EP8' reaction video and realised that Aaron had taken an interest in the lyrics of the song So I asked him to view to the song 16th Anniversary Special MV and the live stage. Second,Happy 6000+ Days Girls' Generation! This journey has been amazing and wonderful,I'm glad I've been involved since 2010 My precious girls. Let's stay together for a long time. No matter how long it takes us to wait for you to appear as SNSD again, we will still be waiting. SM please treat member soshi well. Hopefully Sone can continue to see them work,This is my greatest wish and dream as a sone💗 PS:Although sunny also left SM last year. Thanks for your reaction.

Melissa Leguide

Hi Aaron, I just want to say that I joined Patreon just to see your reactions of Taeyeon and Girls' Generation❤️ I know you already know a lot of Taeyeon's path and have also gone through some of the soshis' songs, however, all of them solo are very talented. It would be great if you give Tiffany Young's solo discography a chance, she is an amazing artist who writes and produces her songs. If you ever decide to, it would be great if you started with Lips on Lips or Runaway ft Babyface