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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hccmzwwrxrusupac0e5nb/Heroes-Ep23pt2-1.m4v?rlkey=5yl30ml189tr12tiiijpnfedj&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sLdiXXEjahVe3G2wu4HMebHiCgExWKM8/view?usp=sharing




Hi I just have an idea and it’s just my opinion so if you don’t like, you can ignore. You’ve been watching Heroes for over a year and a half. And you still have about 17 episodes left to be split into 3 parts. I also wanted to watch IU episodes of Infinite Challenge, so I did some rough math and I just realized and shocked that I have to wait more than another year and a half for it to end. Which means you watch Heroes over a period of about three and a half years. So, how about watching Infinite Challenge for a while? I think there are also some people waiting for it. This is only 7 episodes in total and it will end quickly if you don’t split it up. This is just my suggestion, so don’t feel pressured and I might be the only one who wants it lol.


BIG AGREEMENT He cuts too much,,, Also THE DRAMA,, it is TOO SLOW to watch 1ep for one week thinking 16 ep for one drama , he spend 4 mounths for one drama.,, this is too much slow