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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a8ny3ulni11o4ezvrfclb/Taeyeon-Timeless-Fine-at-The-Odd-Of-Love.mp4?rlkey=2c8fr7rf8q6s7rr1bgi9ph7gj&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hijMFN04N0B1ilyKEoi97xyg9IIV9J0r/view?usp=sharing




Any Taeyeon concert would be great, I guess there's almost 4 or 5 full concerts on YT.. Was hoping to go for the stages that you haven't seen first.. Like Find Me https://youtu.be/iBy6ms5C6fc?si=tEsUek_gDPcdkxoY Eraser (it's really a hidden gem, definitely you gonna like it) https://youtu.be/G1GoMShixmg?si=hX7OjSsscttta3So Circus https://youtu.be/mATYset8O_w?si=RUZwCO9CecJOThUz Do You Love Me (another hidden gem) https://youtu.be/DdzFis5V7BU?si=hn8gIwc8GPn-wPX5


The UNSEEN and ’s… both are the best


honestly its s'... for me


Forgot this concert , The Magic of Christmas Time: Part 1: https://youtu.be/HjOaj_Pdjhs?si=fuFebJxH6t1vYcui; Part 2: https://youtu.be/MF8Irc1e8rU?si=o_fIhs_bAdN4Cn2q

maj _ 25

For me, her 's concert because it's was the first concert of her i attended. But in terms of her vocal condition, it was her japan tour and the unseen. heres the link 's concert - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8Ps7wUsQ3w japan tour 2019 (signal) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IReZiC23wE8