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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9xfb11ozd1ru3lb0hulag/Soshi-Tam-Tam-Ep6pt2-1.m4v?rlkey=1aa76gv5v2epe4j5fpkvhmmec&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bSWjgTV1ft7_5c9vg2TxCKJxwvviVeKC/view?usp=sharing




I feel seohyun has always been like this to her unnies. She's very lively and affectionate around them at the same time you can tell that she's a very responsible kid. In some episodes of old variety shows, the girls would say that they'd want Seohyun to loosen up because she's too uptight, I guess it was mainly because she has always had a mature way of thinking. She reads self development books, eats and lives healthily and she knows that even though she's the maknae she has the right to voice out her opinions. She's amazing! The members have mentioned before that Seohyun is SNSD's pride, she has values and conviction that even her unnies can't win against her in a n argument. As an old sone really Love these girls. Can’t say enough about how good it is to see them back together on programs like this. (Tiffany and sunny are both so reliable in different ways :) I love Tiffany's energy 😆 BTW:I like how they still get shy even though they’ve been in this industry for 15 years, such humble idols!


Don't ever question why there's a noise, chaos or a mess 🤣 they're SNSD the most chaotic girls.. Hopefully you'll react to their episodes on Knowing bros(2022), Game Caterers (2022), You Quiz on the block (2021), MMTG (2022), Amazing Saturday 2022 (the most chaotic episode of the history of Amazing Saturday 😅) I'll put the links here Knowing bros https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ol3co Amazing Saturday Https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2049888826 You Quiz on the block https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2045149312?bstar_from=bstar-web.homepage.recommend.all Game Caterers & MMTG https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqSc19fcPUAFbNDTzVF8B_InWYkGxB_nm&si=IXSpFFP0KcFLHzlD


These CANNOT be skipped! especially You Quiz on the block and Game Caterers!!!


dont skip the knowing bros EP from 2017. That needs to go first before the ep from 2022.