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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/15fhc14r2h23qmuwl5tx9/Street-Dance-Girls-Fighter-Ep5-3-1.m4v?rlkey=1jzygywxoc55dj8mnrw8djs97&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/18KTxhEAfyvKp26vAajA75qJ-gIpieKss/view?usp=sharing




I agree with most of your thoughts😅 Like SWF, SGF jugement is also not perfect i think.. I also agree that it was Turns’ win 100% obviously. Maybe they were worried that Anf would be sad because no one will pick them..? Idk.. lol.. You know that Nain, Heesoo, Harimu are already professional dancers even at that time. And I remember that the viewer were talking that actually Amazon and Turns can participant in SWF and they can even win some crews.. bc the viewer didn’t like the judgement haha but also actually it is true..😅 Oh and i heard that Nain could’ve participated in SWF2 like Harimu, but she couldn't bc she had other schedules. People said that staff wanted JustJerk women crew for season 2, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out for some reasons.

음 파

I think this round's competition format itself is so controversial/weird. It would've been better if they had to dance their own trade part too like they did for swf... Like if they dont have to dance their own trade part, of course there will be some who'll make the part weird or hard for the victory and it will make some brawl going on between the teams obviously. I guess mnet wanted more fighting scenes between the crews in this show lol