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Everybody loves Yi seo's honesty but not me, she almost made Hyun yi cry saying her being a transgender will make people feel uncomfortable. Regarding Soo-ah , even though she didn't call the cop, she stood there and didn't do nothing. She's not a snake but she has the potential to be a snake if that makes sense lol. Hyun Ji is still my favorite female character


About the transgender thing, it’s definitely a big deal in Korea that’s why Yi-seo pointed out the fact that they can’t help other people being uncomfortable with that.


Well I think we can all agree that Yi-seo was really harsh on this one. But you see, Yi-Seo’s honest criticism and comment with Hyunji motivated her and changed her. Ever since DanBam opened Hyunji hasn’t been able to improve and stay the same with her cooking because Saeroyi isn’t as straightforward like Yi-seo and is too kind and understanding. I think the presence of Yi-Seo in the pub balanced it out since Saeroyi lacks this quality. On the other hand, Yi-seo lacks understanding, empathy, and trust which Saeroyi has. That’s why it’s a good thing they are learning from each other.


I agree with you, transgender is a big deal in korea but her comment still rubbed me the wrong way lol. I have to point out that it was Saeroyi who changed Hyunji , he told her to work twice as hard. Yi-seo had no intention of motivating Hyunji, as a matter of fact she told Saeroyi to fire her lol

strange& sleepless

Please read the comments aaron. The actress that plays hyunyi is a women, and she's playing a guy that is transitioning to girl. At work hyunyi is still male presenting because he hasnt really come out yet. But in the club she can be herself, no one is gonna question it, so she's female presenting. Korean is a gender neutral language for the most part. Whenever you see ''he'' or ''her'' in the subs, they most likely actually didnt use any pronouns at all because it's not needed. It's only translated that way because anything else wouldnt make sense in english. I'm pretty sure hyunyi has the recipe but trust me it's not that simple. You still need to have a feeling for it. Also once again, Danbam means sweet night. And I still think Sooah is awful nontheless.

Nadhirah Rahim

omg you and the confusion about hyunyi. so relatable hahahahahah hyunyi is a male to female. maybe youre confused because theyre using a female actress. same goes to me hahahahah the guy which i still forgot his name, the one with so much anger lol hes confused because he saw hyunyi with long hair when he knows hyunyi as a guy. how ironic yiseo talks about kissing without consent and we know what she did to saeroi at the pub lmaoo


Aaron is a bit slow when it comes to kdramas😂. Hyun-yi is male to female. Yes. And it is not only about following the recipe, is about working hard and being overall a good cook 🧑🏻‍🍳. Also made Yiseo trusted Hyun-yi and having more sympathy towards her. SooAh lied just to make sure Saeroyi would never changed his mind about her, no matter what she does.


They got a female actor to play Hyun-yi, but the character is male to female trans. I personally love this actress as well, so seeing her take on this type of role was exciting.


I hope you understand that a good meal is not only about knowing the recipe 😅 I cook with the same recipe as my mom but mine is not good as hers. It's about the attitude i think.


It was honestly pretty frustrating to watch 😂 Following recipes doesn't really assure success because of a lot of intangibles in the cooking process which obviously HyunYi is lacking