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Honestly I’m satisfied with the final 7.I would have been sad if sunoo was eliminated as well. It was global voting so most ppl chose the members so we can’t get mad at the show. I think the reason they didn’t choose K was maybe bc as skilled as K is maybe they were had a different concept for the group in mind. And also it’s not only about skill it’s about personality and what they bring to the table. I feel like sunoo personality brings lots to the table.As an example sunoo is very good at bubbly and cute concepts. He’s very natural and some of the other members aren’t as much. So bc some of the other members might be weaker in that area sunoo has that strength..I think it’s important to help the members weaknesses..All the members are different and have different strengths and weakness.But one members weakness is another members strength and I find that to be important..If all of them had the same strengths and weakness then that wouldn’t help the group much and there would be no point in having all those members..But having a member that is better at a different style even if there not perfect is important. I think that’s the reason why bang pd chose sunoo over k..K is super talent and K can also bring lots of things to the table but sunoo is totally different..He brings something more that the other members don’t have as much as..That’s just my opinion, maybe it was a different reason. But either way I hope K can get in another group and I’m satisfied with the final 7. Of course I would have loved for K to be in the group and if I could I would make them a 9 member group..But there could only be 7 and With the 7 they chose I wouldn’t switch any other them.💜


i agree with kiki about k and sunoo. and also i feel like its more than the global votes than they say it is. im pretty sure the producers also took accountable of the groups longevity (k is a bit on the ‘older side’ 23 YO) and also about their reputation, what each member can contribute, and stuff like that behind the scenes. i rlly did thought k was going to make the 7. as sad as it was, im pretty satisfied w the line up too. and if it is purely global votes then, the people who dropped iland cuz of k dont realized that every member had a 66% of making it by global votes and just blamed the producers about k. the producers just picked the remaining of the last 3, and personally i wouldve chosen sunoo too. not cuz of his popularity but he has that personality that is different from the rest of the members but can easily blend in. he can influence everyone a lot. im happy with the OT7, im still sad for K and daniel and the rest of the partcipants, i hope they make their way and debut soon to stand in the same award stages together!! 💞💞


I'm happy with the final 7 as well. I definitely wished K could've been there as well, the boy is extremely talented. Unfortunately I think that between the editing on K Mnet did and the whole "racism" drama (I don't know much about it so I have no comment), and the fact that he was never super high with fan votes in the first place, he wasn't able to debut :(. I think Sunoo's votes were low because fans figured he'd be safe because of how popular he was the whole show. Jake was always a fan favorite from the get go and improved a ton like you mentioned so him making it makes sense. Jungwon getting first was I'm sure partly with his getting low rank from the producers, but he is also extremely talented and done well throughout the show. Overall, I think the group is going to be amazing, and I can't wait to see them in action! I'm hoping a lot of the other guys get their opportunity to debut and live their dreams!!


ALSO we should give extra love to sunoo and niki :( a lot of people are hating on sunoo cuz he got picked over K, and people are hating on niki saying that K should be in his spot. we all thought K was going to debut with them and we all are disappointed, its just sad how some people take their anger out on the debut members T-T


1. The show was aired early and they put the time at the end of the semi final but maybe you missed it? 🥺 it’s ok lol 2. The one that got scared at the end was Jake lol 3. I feel like I’m one of the only ones satisfied with the final lineup. As the first 6 members were decided on global votes there is not much we can do. I also didn’t expect Jake to make it!! Anyways people hating on sunoo are literally childish. It’s so sad to see all those comments on YouTube. We all know sunoo may be the most charismatic one. I can totally see his personality shine as an idol. Plus his singing and facial expressions are pretty good. 4. However of course I was shocked. I also thought K would be in the final lineup for sure. But- I can see why they chose sunoo at the end. When you look at the whole group in general. A couple of reasons popped up in mind. It could be age. We all know K is the oldest 😔. Second could be the image/ concept for the group. And third could be positions in the group. For example: they already have strong performers such as niki, jay, Heeseung etc for a nice dance line. And as for leaders they have Heeseung and Jay. So, perhaps the producers wanted someone that brought different qualities like sunoo. 5. Forgot to say but in the last episode in Jay’s video he wrote “Bluejays” on the apple because that’s what our fandom is called (jay stans/biased) and the part “we can fly etc etc” is part of the lyrics from “into the I-LAND ” 6. In conclusion I will support enhypen. I wish that K finds a group soon. I really want him to make it somehow and on the other hand, Daniel has strong potential to be in the next bighit group in 2022 so I hope to see him there 🥺 Thanks for reacting to this reality show :) 💘


I just really wish they changed the amount of members, even to 8 at least, i think because bts are the lucky 7, txt are only 5 and not as popular as bts, probably thought it could be another lucky number for them to do 7 again, i think it should of been 8-12 members, ill still support them, its just sad, k is 24 he has trained for like 2-3 years and daniel is 14 hes doesnt have to worry right now, i feel k’s disappointment, i would be too, being the oldest and always ranked at the top and then not even debuting :(


K deserved to be there, he is extremely talented but the voting depended on popularity and I understand why.(they want to debut a group chosen by the fans cuz they are the ones who are going to support it). I love K but he doesn’t seem to have as much popularity as the others idk why maybe due to the mnet editing in the first few episodes and i aslo heard on twitter that K was involved in some rumor thing or something, not sure tho but maybe that contributed to his low votes unfortunately💔 anyway im sure bang pd won’t let his talent go to waste and might debut him as a solo cuz he deserves. Some ppl also said that if K and heesung were in the same team conflicts might happen as both have leader perosna but anyway I wish him the best and im interested to see where the group is headed and what kind of concept they are going for and can’t wait to see their interactions with bts😍 i was so happy to see niki making it, also jay and hessung. I love jay👌🏻 thank u for the reaction and can’t wait for the girl’s bighit survival show👏🏻

Maria Luz

Dear Aaron, You may not be aware, but days before the final there was a very big scandal where some haters accused K of being a racist, then people made a scandal saying that a member with that behavior could not debut. Obviously, the accusations turned out to be completely false, however K's reputation was greatly affected and people regrettably began to cast him aside in the voting. Although currently that hater group that made all this scandal has already written and published a letter of apology, the damage has been done. We will be looking forward to K's soon debut, fighting 💪💪💪💪


I totally agree with you. I was really shocked at the beginning when I found out that K didn't make it, but after looking at the whole group and thinking about their characters and what their positions in the group would be I started to understand why they dropped him. It's still unfortunate, but I think the lineup has a vibe that wouldn't have fitted K.


I can explain why K got eliminated. I’m assuming you aren’t on “i-land” stan twitter so you probably don’t know this but a couple weeks ago someone “dug up” extremely racist tweets that K had made about black/colored people. This caused a LOT of fans including myself to be shocked, upset and angry at K, and no longer supported him. A ton of articles were made about it, Korean fans mass emailed bighit and the hashtag K_Out trended. Mnet and Bighit most likely caught wind of this and thats one of the reasons they chose Sunoo over K to avoid controversy in their rookie group. Unfortunately yesterday the original person who made the accusations about K confessed that they mistranslated the tweets K made, which was a big shock. They most likely singlehandedly shifted the course of K’s entire life. It goes to show you that social media can really alter the public’s opinion about you. That being said however, i’m sure if this “scandal” didn’t even exist and the voting was the exact same outcome, Sunoo would’ve still be chosen over K. Sunoo is NOT better dancer than K like, AT ALL. BUT Sunoo brings much more versatility and variety into the group than K does. Niki and K were NOT going to be in the same group, because they are both known for the same thing, dancing. They both bring the same characteristics, and no I’m not saying that because they’re both Japanese it’s because they both fill the role of main dancer. Sunoo has shown variety from Chamber 5 to Save Me to Fake Love. K has pretty much always had the same outcome of powerful and charismatic. Sunoo has shown that he can mold into multiple concepts, and in my personal opinion Suno has more versatile vocal colors and honestly i’ve never seen anyone compliment K’s vocal ability. This isn’t World of Dance, they’re going to be making music and although stage presence and performance is vital to idol groups if you don’t have a lot of strong vocalists then that decreases the chance of people tuning into Spotify or Apple Music. Plus Sunoo has always been #1 in global voting since the BEGINNING. Korean fans would’ve been LIVID if K beat Sunoo in the end, especially because korean fans and the korean general public doesn’t like foreign idols, so in the end Sunoo was the obvious choice. Now I know you’re confused about Jake, but Jake has had the MOST GROWTH in the entire show. Bang PD said in episode one to focus on their potential, and Jake went from the lowest score, being dropped to the ground to become an official member of Enhypen. If you go on youtube and watch their performances of I&Credible and Flicker and focus on Jake, you will know why he was chosen. He has always caught my eye. He had one of the shortest training period but has grown exponentially. Think about Nizi Project, the girls who grew the most were the ones that debuted, because it means that their growth is probably limitless. I personally got my dream lineup, so I’m over the MOON, but my heart does go out to those that got eliminated, especially Nicholas, Geonu, Hanbin and Daniel, I will be rooting for them in the future. FOLLOW ENHYPEN ON TWITTER @ENHYPEN_members and their main label @BELIFTLAB their youtube channel is called ENHYPEN and the current channel currently has 333k subscribers


I really hope K would debut in the near future, even maybe as a soloist. We and many people will be waiting for him and also for hanbin. I also was very shoked about Sunoo score, like how he has always been the first on global voting, but at the end he was one of the lowest...


I'm really happy my favorites Jay and Niki made it ❣️


i think if k were up against anyone BUT sunoo he would’ve passed. sunoo excels in vocals and expressions best in the group, which means he’s pretty much irreplaceable. k and niki are both up for main dancer, and with niki being ranked up so high in global votes, it means the position that k is best suited for is taken. it’s sad but it’s always been the case with these survival groups i think. the more survival series you watch, the more you realize how many talented trainees don’t get to debut despite how good they are. wait til you watch produce series...


If you think I-LAND was a robbery watch produce101 A LITERAL ROBBERY


Honestly, I’m happy with the lineup. Yes, I was also sad with K not making it, but this is a survival show. No matter how much we don’t like it, there will always be someone who wouldn’t be able to debut. And because I watched all three seasons of Produce 101, I can say that I-LAND was a soooo much fairer show. Produce 101 was plain robbery, though I really love the groups they formed. People who were mad about I-LAND’s results obviously can’t survive watching any of the produce seasons 😂 Anyways, I’m looking forward to ENHYPEN’s debut. I’m excited!!

technical difficulties

im so upset that they decided to go with global voting in the last episode. i really feel like fans can easily be biased when they vote (precisely why i didn't vote) and often they decide not to be objective. i know why they included global votings and i know they're important, but i don't get why they decided to go for it in the very last episode

technical difficulties

however i know that k will debut sooner or later, he's so beyond skilled so there's no way he wouldn't make it in the end. he just would have fit in well in enhypen


lmao idk why they think that, they’re not gonna get another group like bts, so i think they should’ve increased the members


Produce48 was traumatizing tbh, when I found out the final lineup I just could not support izone AT ALL. Now I like them (SSOTS IS A BOP) but at the time I was so pissed at the results DX


You can also see on bang pd's face that he wasn't realy happy with the global voting results. Everyone thought that sunoo, heesung, sunghoon, k and jay would be at least in the top6, so they probably thought that they would have to choose the 7th member between jungwon, niki, jake or daniel since they were always lower in the voting rankings. it's really desapointing but it makes sense that the producers choose sunoo, because he has a really unique personality that's lacking in the group. Daniel is really young, 14(15 korean age), so he still has time, and hopefullly he'll stay as a trainee at belift or bh. K is an all rounder, he's good at everything, but he's also older, 22 or 23 I think, which is generally considered old for a trainee, so I really hope that bang pd has something in mind for him, like signing him as a solo artist or something, or at the very least direct him towards another good company that would be able to give him a new opportunity in the near future


Just watched your whole program's reaction. I like it. After think about previous PD's opinions for any weeks. I thought the final 9 trainees were deserved to debut but team needs 7. I thought the reason for last member will be chosen by the chemistry of the rest 6 members that came from the global voting, the chemistry what they need for the better team. If the rest 6 were not the current one. I think the last member will be different kind of chemistry too. And the PD's feeling kind of uncomfortable because the ranking was really unstable, as all the remain top 3 they were expecting went to the last 3 instead. (and there's no the midpoint ranking shown, so many fans might think that the top 3 must be safe for sure. ) But out of those drama things. I am the one who followed this program really close for another source details. I respect the mindset of Bang PD. He planed a lot of tests before the program really start. Also the interview that tests all 23 trainees for the mindset and mentally tests too. He prepared a break for 1 months after part 1 for all trainees to learn any basic classes (dance, sing and some mental therapy). To let them getting closer.


FYI. the program recording started on June and they started on-airing on July. So it could be the reason of some trainees had less airtime because they know the whole result of part 1 (ep.1-6) so the director might give more short focus on the trainees who made it. and Mnet gave 22 trainees a camping training a month before start recording the 7-12 on Aug. (So they got so closer. If you saw some evil's cuts, I think that's not directly to the person but just themselves feeling for the result. I think ) These period was on more real time because they had to collect global voting.

Emily Davidson

The final 7 were actually my chosen/predicted debut group - even though Daniel was my original bias and even though I felt sorry for K. The results were exactly what I wanted and expected, and it's so exciting to see the boys performing after their debut, now :) I reeaally hope we get to see K and the other I-Landers become successful sometime soon <3