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 Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/56p6250nbgbnlox/we_got_married_with_joy_ep19.mp4?dl=0

 Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/19yAs0avUIKQa_W7ETk448O9tcCwdJCAu/view?usp=sharing




when i clicked the link for dropbox it sent me to ur reaction to the second episode?


Sooyoung's dad is so chill, i laughed hard when sungjae asked his permission for drinking and promised that he'll protect her, but her dad jokingly said to sungjae "you'll protect her?...aren't you the bigger problem here?" lol that's so real so funny...


One of my fave episodes tbh! I loved how thoughtful Sungjae was in wanting to call Joy’s dad ask permission to go out and drink with her. Also, when they talked about their relationships with their dad. Sungjae’s dad is quite reserved and isn’t an affectionate dad. But Joy’s dad is so affectionate and tells joy openly that he loves her. So I like that Sungjae told Joy to be more nice to her dad and to tell him she loves him too. Sungjae and his dad doesn’t really say much to each other, but even if he dad simply tells him that he’s proud of him. That’s enough for Sungjae to cry and appreciate moments like that with his dad even if it’s rare. Joy seems to get so much warmth and love from her dad and joy should embrace it and not be embarrassed by it. That’s true you know? Family is important and you should always tell them you love and appreciate them when you still have them in your life. Also, the whole recharging part in the end was still so cute even though it was funny. They’re still quite shy around each other and even though they both want to put more effort in being intimate ..it’s still weird in front of cameras you know? Sungjae and Joy are the type to do things naturally..their skin ship or conversations always comes natural to them.


man this episode was hilarious lmaoo