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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1hqfvkc4bueidarjdsy0o/Taemin-Door-Guilty-at-Metamorph-Concert.mp4?rlkey=8x19tghix2n5o7cbi6nj3heam&st=bjl3lurb&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hpDX83hScw2TQUHFe44tThFsPzeEGBHW/view?usp=sharing




Yes you've seen it once in a live setting with the white straps. It's a Japanese song originally. I think the reason you didn't put the two together is well because you've only heard it once and also because the Off Sick concert had a live band playing, so naturally it sounds slightly different from this one which is closer to studio verson. There's a popular Door performance at 2017 MAMA https://youtu.be/07VOaK9Wd8E (the one where he performed Move and Gashina with Sunmi, you watched it).


I think you watched door twice already it’s when he’s tied in white straps. Once in MAMA 2017 and once in offsick concert