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Hello Patreons!
I hope everyone is doing well!
My work is dedicated to all who know that muscles are one of the best things in life! 💪

Today we have a Patreon story!

A commission made by a Hardcore Director tier Patreon.
This story is a direct continuation of 'Big, Big, Big!' starring Lechoslawa, but taller! A story from the FutaVerse!

The story is already on the Hardcore Ladys website. If you haven't received your password, can't find it, have questions or difficulties, please send me a message on Patreon or use the 'Help & Support' chat and I will respond soon. This way, you won't miss any Hardcore Ladys stories and I won't be sad. 😊

I want to thank everyone for your always important support in keeping the Hardcore Ladys moving forward! 🙏




I read the description and was surprised to learn this is a commission. I wish I knew earlier it was a possibility.


Hi France! Yes, these latest stories from FutaVerse are all commissions. I will organize myself to take on more story commissions in the future. I am preparing to create a new tier of commissions, but instead of stories, it will be just images. For this tier, I think I will work without any limit on the number of people.