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Hey guys (=゚ω゚)ノ This month we hit next milestone, that's completely insane (゚ω゚;) and i want to say huge thanks for all your support one more time \(T∇T)/

Which also bring us to the next reward level. Originally i planned just to run a random giveaway, but turns out that's against Patreon's rules ( ̄ー ̄) So, we gonna create something more interesting.

Starting from this month (as long as we gonna keep this milestone line) I'm gonna post a quiz for you guys. It will have several questions (various difficulty tiers) about my projects and original sources, answering right will get you points, and at the end of the month patron that will earn most points in this quiz will win 100$ v( ̄∇ ̄) (only if there will be several patrons with same amount of points, I probably will have to add some randomness).

Some basic rules to exclude cheating and stuff:

  • Only paid patron can participate in this Quiz;
  • Make sure to put your actual Patreon nickname, otherwise your answers wouldn't be counted;
  • If there will be multiple form submits from single parton, I will count only earliest one. So make sure to keep your time and think on answers before sending it to me (*ゝω・)ノ

So, here is the link to this month Quiz, feel free to fill it - https://forms.gle/1bvAXFyqtyTR4XHX9 It will be up until december 27th. And on december 28th I will determine the winner.

Also, please ask any questions you have about this new activity in the comments, i could've missed something important.

P.S. I'm gonna keep track of ALL points that will be gathered by patrons during next year. And maybe will prepare some extra special prize for the ultimate winner く(^ー゚)ノ






Sorry (〃∀〃)ゞ But that's the point of this contest (`・ω・´)9


Ok, only 50% correct answers ig...