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Hey there! The implementation of the final quest for this version seems to be going alright. I postponed the text review process a little, thinking that maybe I'll notice more mistakes on a day with better sleep. So, this allowed me some time to calmly explore ideas to make a fun reactions system. We will have 3 possible options and below I will elaborate each of them in depth.

1. For an initial application of the system. During repeatable dialogues with members of her crew, depending on her Currently Worn Outfit, the Current NPC, and their Current Lust levels a reaction may occur. There is the possibility of a reaction from your character herself, depending on her Lust and Corruption levels, coupled with a high enough Lust from the NPC, opening the possibility for a scene of any size. Example below, during the Morning Coffee Dialogue with Ted.

She buys her coffee and, if she has a revealing outfit (such as the Likurieris Dress or the Explorer Outfit), it's possible that she might spill some coffee onto her chest. There can be a small drawing of this. If this happens, a mini scene will appear (with individual text for each revealing outfit) and Ted's lust increases by 20. Below are the possibilities:

  • If Ted's Lust is lower than 40. Ted catches a peek at her boobs and quickly looks away before she can berate him.
  • If Ted's Lust is higher or equal than 40 and lower than 80. Ted gets captivated by the sight and barely manages to pull his gaze away. She can either berate him which might lower Ted's Lust level a little, or she can pretend she didn't see anything (your choice), or if her Lust is high enough she might have a strangely shameful prideful thought about it combined with her own Lust going up a little.
  • If Ted's Lust is higher or equal than 80 and lower or equal than 100. Ted not only gets captivated, but he doesn't even make an attempt to look away, drooling at the sight. Here, if her Lust and/or Corruption are high enough, she can expose them (which would raise her Lust) or she can berate him (which would lower her Lust and Ted's Lust). If she exposes them, Ted likes her more and maybe I can draw her pressing her naked boobs together. A few seconds later, Alberto enters the room and she quickly covers herself back up, winking to Ted at the end.

2. A much simpler application of the system. Small reactions here and there, random chances of them happening and less emphasis on bringing interaction into the mix. These can be developed quicker, but I think they're less qualitative than the first option. 

3. A mix of interactive reactions from option 1. and simpler reactions from option 2.. This option means that you would like a balance between quantity and quality. There would be more reactions in general, but some would be simple and some would be interactive. 

Hopefully you're not tired of these polls already 😅. Many people want this and it's natural since it's a CYOA game, so I thought about ways to make it fun. Depending on the results, I can adjust my workflow until the release. 


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