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This post will be nowhere as lengthy as the others, since I've been mostly writing and drawing for the most part. Here are a few short breakpoints:

  • The intrigue quest is for the most part done, as in I finished writing it in Google Docs and I will slowly start to integrate it into the game which should give me the opportunity to do some proofreading in the process. There are in total around 7922 words, but some of them repeat themselves depending on the player's choices. It includes two written sexual scenes and buildup leading up to them which should act as foreplay, while containing some plot points and more interactions with Melissa's crew combined with revisiting an older established character.
  • I've been making progress on drawing the Corrupted Plant Loss scene, which from the name should be obvious what it contains :D. I may upload a sketch in the next development update. If I have enough time before the release, I can draw one of the NSFW scenes from the quest I finished today, but I can't promise anything right now. 
  • As a result of great feedback from our newest Patron, I started making some research in my resting time on something that may help the game's drawings later, but I will elaborate on it after some deliberation of whether it's worth it or not, possibly followed by a poll. 

Right now, my priority is to write and to curate what I have so that the new release will definitely be ready between 26 and 29 August, so the development updates will not be daily as they were in the coding/UI/bugs days, but rest assured that I'm continuously working on getting the release out as soon as it can be.



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