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After hours of grueling training, the day between Asuka and Tina was winding down. But little did Asuka know, Tina had a surprise in store for her. As Tina grinned mischievously, her Texan accent ringing in the air, she introduced Asuka to her new training partner for the night.

"You know, sweetie, I've been thinkin'... You're gonna have an extra special trainin' partner tonight! Say hello to my good friend Helena!" Tina exclaimed with excitement.

Asuka's eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of the woman standing before her. It was none other than Helena Douglas, the one who had shattered Asuka's undefeated streak and stripped her of her pride as a fighter in their previous encounter. Asuka immediately greeted Helena with utmost formality.

"A-ah... G-Greetings, Miss Helena!" Asuka stammered, feeling a mix of reverence and a strange, intense attraction towards the woman. Helena's presence exuded a powerful aura, accentuated by her long, powerful legs showcased by her bodysuit and tall black boots.

"Ah, bonjour mademoiselle Asuka. I shall be your partner for tonight," Helena spoke in her strong French accent. Clearly, the woman was curious to test her skills against a renowned fighter like Asuka. "I haven't explored the intricacies of grappling extensively, but I am intrigued to experience the closeness and intimacy it offers. I'm certain I'll be able to surprise you, mademoiselle Asuka." Helena added.

Asuka was relieved that Helena didn't mention their previous encounter, not wanting Tina to know the extent of their history while also being unable to explain just why her body was feeling so strange in the presence of the tall and strong woman. She simply nodded, eager to showcase her growth and impress Helena.

Soon, the two of them found themselves in the ring, fueled by Asuka's determination and encouragement from Tina. Asuka charged at Helena, aiming to demonstrate her newfound grappling skills. But to her surprise, Helena swiftly maneuvered, swiftly transitioning into a brutal figure-four triangle headscissor with an armbar and leghook combination, executed even faster than Tina ever could.

Asuka's eyes widened as she found herself trapped in Helena's lethal hold. The pressure on her head and the excruciating pain coursing through her body made her realize the true terror of those formidable legs. She struggled to escape, but Helena's control over the hold was absolute. The realization washed over Asuka—she was completely at the mercy of the woman she had thought about for years, a mix of hatred and an undeniable fascination coursing through her.

"Impressive, n'est-ce pas? You can't escape, my dear Asuka," Helena remarked with a hint of amusement in her voice. "I admit ma chère, this whole wrestling thing can be quite... exilerating."

Asuka's attempts to resist and break free only intensified the hold, causing her to gasp for breath. The sensation of being dominated and overpowered by Helena was overwhelming, evoking a strange mixture of fear and excitement. The realization that she was at the mercy of the woman she had admired and desired ignited an unfamiliar flame deep within her that was only further strengthened by the overpowering feeling of those big legs squeezing around her skull, with them clearly still holding back yet already crushing her in the tightest scissorhold she had taken so far.

The struggle continued, Asuka's body growing weaker as Helena maintained her firm hold with her facial features being squished together rather intensely from the pressure.

Helena tightened her grip, savoring the power she held over Asuka. A wicked smile curved her lips as she looked down at her trapped opponent. "You're mine, Asuka. There's no escape," she whispered, her French accent dripping with dominance.

As the hold persisted, Helena's voice filled with a mix of pleasure and revelation. "You know, my dear... I'm beginning to truly enjoy this domination thing. I can see why you like it and struggle with it so much. The thrill of it, the exhilaration of close combat... It's quite intense, mon ami... Did I say domination? Pardonnez-moi, I've obviously meant wrestling,"" Helena giggled, a hunger in her eyes.

-----Personal Comment-----

I've had Helena planned to appear for quite a while! And I am happy to finally show her. I am still a bit unsure where she'll be positioned in the end, but I quite like the thought of her having been the very first person that Asuka had been defeated by in rather young years. Due to that dynamic, every encounter between the two will have a rather deep meaning while also clearly being quite intense.
I wonder, what do you think about Helena? She certainly came up with one hell of a hold.. I wonder if someone as Tina could even free herself if Helena had that hold locked in on her?




Oooh love how this came out! Can't wait to be able to unlock it!