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Clearly, Leifang didn't spread the word about what had happened on that very beach just a few days ago. As we now have the next fighter fall into this overwhelming trap that is Lisa's tight grip, with Asuka deciding to finally take a day off from all that gym-training she has been doing. A nice day at the beach, working out a bit in the sun, laying in the soothing shadows of the palmtrees, treating yourself to some nice drinks and to round things off? The possibility to cool yourself down in the ocean! Unfortunately for Asuka, cooling down her body temperature won't be one of the things that she is going to take part in during that day at the beach as the fierce Tekken fighter ends up being sandwiched between the hot sand and Lisa's even hotter body. Clearly Asuka isn't just going through the hopeless struggle of trying to escape one of Lisa's inescapable holds but rather.. She seems to have peeked some kind of interest in the Woman. Maybe it's just the fact that Lisa sees Asuka as Tina's plaything. Maybe it's the way in which she squirms and yelps all cutely when being squeezed or pinned down like that. Or maybe, she just seeks to mess with the girl in hopes of causing some tension. Whatever it is? With such an intense kind of attention, I can't imagine anyone being unable to hide the fact that they are blushing.  The moral of the story? Never go to the beach all by yourself. Unless you enjoy being pinned down and getting dismantled in the sand.

Personal Comment:

This one took a bit longer than usually. I made a lot of changes to how the skin works on the characters and I think it turned out really really nicely! Especially Lisa's thighs came though so damn well! That new edit threw up a couple of new problems to deal with regarding skin and shading, but I am sure all of those will be figured out quite soon. For now.. I think they look absolutely stunning! What do you think? Also.. What are your thoughts on seeing *a little bit more of a lean-in than Lisa's already lining in towards Asuka*? Let me know! It might happen in a follow-up!

Additional Comment:

Remember to put a like onto the posts that you enjoyed the most. It will increase the chances on a follow-up part of that creation! Comments are an even better way to do so!




A bit more of a lean-in would be very welcome