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**Update: Now with less flickering. Figured out a way to ease the problem a little bit :)**

Maybe we should from now on call this move 'The Asuka-Special'? Seems like all of that training alongside Tina had an effect as the Tekken girl had come up with her own favorite submission hold! That move came around at just the perfect time as well, as Asuka was finally able to get another match with Hitomi to show just how much she has grown. Such a traditional Karate attire doesn't seem to be holding on too well while getting dragged all over the mat!

Finally got my new card! Well, had it for a few days now. A lot of testing to make sure it runs properly and figuring up the new setup. Took a lot of time to render this one. Even though we are running these through twice as fast now, I still aimed for around 2-3 days of render time. Aka: Double the samples. Still have that flickering that I want to get rid of ._.
The moving camera really seeks out that problem. Guess we gotta wait until Blender fixes things this year. Super excited about that. BUT.. The higher sample count definitely made it a little bit better. ALSO.. This project simply did not want to be finished. Rendered it for 3 days? Found a really big error that needed around half the project to be re-rendered. When I quickly fixed it, I realized in the end, that I fixed it in the wrong way, leaving me to have to re-render the second half as well.  Real Bruh-moment right there. BUT... Here it is! With all of Asuka's newfound buff-ness! : 3

I changed a lot of things over the last few days. Learned a lot, as always. Also managed to fix a modifier that was making Asuka's face look *slightly odd*. But! Since that is now fully figured out, her expressions look better than ever! Quite the good news for the Lisa-vs-Asuka grapevine project that is coming up. Might even re-render the first part. We'll see! Anyway.. I am talking too much.. Enjoy! I will go back to working on the next projects now! : 3


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Kevin Forte

Asuka's hand placement. I'm surprised you've never done that with other girls before. Like Tina gets someone in a powerbomb position and just...fondles them. Ass, tits, either way...they can't get away from her grasp. No this isn't a cheap plug for an idea. What makes you think that? XD


With Asuka, I think she's more just leaning on there to keep her balance and to keep up the pressure. BUUT.. i was dwelling on the thought of including some similar things in the future! Seems like Hitomi's pants don't care much for the fact that Asuka's just using it to keep herself steady. They are barely holding on.