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Going to be honest? This one turned out to be extremely beautiful! I believe that it ended up in quite the improvement to change the visuals on this one. But the sound is what makes this one even nicer. Usually, I shied away from including sounds, as I am rather perfectionistic about such things. I didn't want to just slap a few sounds on there and call it a day. If I wanted to tackle such a thing, I wanted to do it right. And while I think that I would still like to improve these sounds a bit more.. It came out quite nicely! What do you guys say? I am curious!

I've also been asked about Honoka a lot. So.. here she is! : 3
Do yourself a favor and watch this somewhere where it can be watched on repeat. I made sure that the pose loops for all of you : 3


Downloadlink: --->ClickHereToSeeTheAnimationPreview(Re-Upload)<---  

Patreon exclusive Discord-Server (Early work-in-Progress Pictures):
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Thank you to Fives for giving me a few ideas on what sounds to include! The Squeezing sound was a nice idea. Also made me realize that maybe.. Tackling sound isn't such a huge deal as I have originally thought it to be.




Asuka cracks in the splade and the silver spoon Honoka laughs with malice, and the man on the moon Will she tap soon, oh wait there is I guess she's not that strong yet And we sure can see her booty

Kevin Forte

That eyeroll from Honoka. Really puts a lot of emphasis on the whole situation. She's like, "Geez, Asuka, at least fight the pain or something."


Are you alright? haha Actually made me think about adding some crackling noises to the hold &gt;..&lt;


That overly confident sigh is also quite nice to go along with it! Personally, I believe that there would've been a bit of trashtalk. And this seemed to perfectly wrap it up for Honoka, who would probably be surprised just how effective these moves are, that Lisa thought her. I mean.. The hold is pretty much completely inescapable &gt;..&lt;


Adding sounds certainly makes it better. And yes, adding a *crack* could be a good thing.


Is there a full version yet? Can I have the link?


This is the link for the full-version! https://www.patreon.com/posts/spladle-queen-vs-56677138 My apologies for the late response! When it comes to comments, Patreon sometimes does not notify me at all ._.