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As Shanna on DeviantArt once said 'Tina always seems to have her way with Asuka, doesn't she?'

How true that small little statement seems to be.. Tina is really putting the pressure onto her partner as she essentially womanhandles Asuka into position and then puts her into a modified Dragon-sleeper. She's squeezing the tekken fighter's head while also pulling her in deep enough to add a smothering aspect to the hold, as Asuka's face is now buried deep within the armpit of Tina.

And well.. Asuka's response to that? I think I'll leave that one to your imagination..
But it does look like either.. Asuka's addiction when it comes to Tina is finally showing some results.. Which.. Tina seems to be REALLY satisfied with.. or.. It is a desperate attempt to escape the hold.. Licking the armpit to get Tina to let go. Whichever one it is.. if Asuka's face wasn't sweaty before.. as.. well.. both of them had been wrestling each other for a while during that match.. It'll probably be now.. lul.

Planning to release the full set tomorrow. It has 26 SHOTS!!!... That is quite a lot.. haha.




I can't say I'm much of a fan of the armpit licking, but other than that I love how this looks. I wish I could see the dragon sleeper applied properly across Asuka's throat.


Gotta mix it up sometimes! It's an addition to the end. Even without it you still have 20+ pictures that you'll enjoy! Same probably goes for feet-stuff. Some people like it, some people don't. It's always hard to hit everyone's tastes. Even when it comes to Tina's muscles. Some people like the change and some people merely tolerate it. (Personally, I quite enjoyed it.. obviously : P)


Ok, that's something new. I doubt it will work on Tina, though. Maybe on another girl xD


Love the armpit licking, nice mixup from the usual content! :D