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Disregard the things that I´ve said yesterday. They were rushed, emotional and irrational but that being said, they were totally justified. 

Current actions that I already took:

I´ve deleted the attachments to the following posts:

  •  Tina x Asuka 'Partnership' - Happy 1 year everyone!
  •  Headscissor Torture-Session |Release|
  •  Interrogation - Caviera/Ela vs IQ |Animation|

If you want to see them, you need to send me a private message until I found a different way of posting. I am currently going through a lot of potential possibilities. 

Update to what I wrote yesterday:

I´m happy to say, that it wasn´t 'one of you' who leaked it. It was a group who´s goal is to have all artist stop putting things behind a 'paywall'. Which means as much as that they don´t want artists to earn money with their creations. What they seem to neglect here.. Is that every artists does everything for free, they won´t have the time to improve or to outright even create anything. If you guys did not support me in the way you did, I would either still be doing Tekken screenshots straight out of the game with ansel while using no posing what so ever. IF... I would even be sharing it. It would probably a personal thing for me since my self-employed job as a filmmaker which was my 'main thing' back then, would consume all of my time. Sure it would pay me really well. And I could pick it back up right now if I wanted to.

But I love this. I love what I do here. I love interacting with you, hearing your reactions, and seeing how many people are willing to support my work. So much so, that you are even giving financial support. You guys are making all of this possible. And I appreciate that.

I am not planning to let this be more than a rock on our path to our final goals which.. would be that animated series I teased earlier. We may have stumbled over the rock but I am not planning to make us fall from it. Things are going better than ever. And that is thanks to all of you. Obviously I need to take some actions now before I continue, but I am more than motivated to create even greater things for you guys.

Things to note for the near future:

  • First off.. It´s REALLY important that you don´t look for that website. As of right now it´s really hard to find. But don´t go there just to have a look of how it looks now or what kind of website it is. If you look them up, you will make them grow. And ultimately help their cause to remove all kinds of arts from the internet. Including myself. 
  • I will switch through a few methods in the near future. I may upload the deleted creations to a Mega-drive so that you can look at them over there for the time being. There will be a list of all options I currently consider below this one.
  • I will do my very best to make it as comfortable for you as it can be. Not a lot of things will change. But you will have to go to different websites to actually look at - or download my creations.
  • You will still be able to see everything. I don´t want to go too far away from the current system, but I do have to adapt. It used to be a system of trust. And I feel honored that none of you broke that trust.
  • I won´t be able to attach more than a single preview picture per post. So the whole 'preview post thing' needs to be adjusts. I will have to upload these pictures somewhere else. So from now on: No more gifs in the thumbnail or more than a single -down sized pictures. (You will still be able to see the full quality version and the other preview shots. Just not like before)

I may update this list. If I do, I will re-publish this post. You will see it as another notification. But if you just want to wait until all things are fixed.. That is totally fine. Things will reach a new 'normal' state very soon. I don´t expect this to last longer than a few days.

Alternative websites I am currently considering for uploading my creations for you:

  • Google Drive (For that one, you would have to send me your e-mail adress every month so that I can unlock access to certain folders for you. The good thing here would be, that you could easily browse through all creations for your tier.
  • A website that I don´t remember the name of right now (I remember that another patreon-creator used a website, where you had to log into with your patreon account to unlock single posts that were uploaded there. You had to re-connect your patreon account to it every now and then but it was really simple. A matter of 2-3 clicks. May end up being the method I chose
  • Sending the creations via personal message over patreon to all active users for the respected tier once they are finished
  • Sending ALL creations that were created during this month to all active patreons at the end of the month. (This is how most creators reacted to the exact thing that was happening. Seriously.. these people aren´t improving anything. They won´t ever achieve their goal because it will lead to all artists needing to not be artists anymore and pick normal jobs instead of creating things. The only thing they are doing, is they force creators to enforce harsher ways of uploading to combat these things.)

I was even down right thinking about switching to a different plattform. I knew that this was happened. And I warned patreon about this months ago. I admit, it´s a terrible feeling to have that around. Sure.. I can file complains and get it removed. But it will happen again. And again. If I don´t combat it. Which is what I am planning to do. I love patreon as a website. But it is a constant sword that is dangling over my head, threatening to fall down and split my desk that I work on in half. 

If you have any input on how I should do things in the future or just an opinion to it in general, be sure to send it to me. I hope you are all doing fantastic! I am doing a lot better now. Thanks to all of you. Ha. 



The other website you're thinking of may be mega.nz A few other creators I follow have used that, and it sounds a lot like what you're describing. It's kind of a pain in the ass, I don't like it, but I understand why people use it, and I tolerate it for that reason.


Holy fuck, I had no idea THIS happened... I'm sorry you got caught up in this mess man... although it doesn't surprise me, cause the world is filled to the brim with assholes... and the concept of having artists do their craft FOR FREE is just out of this world in my opinion. I'm sure you'll find a solution and that this episode won't mean anything in the long run (: It seems Google Drive is a good solution, would let you manage your Patrons and Tiers easily---until their numbers increase too much xD but whatever you'll pick, we'll follow you (:


This is one of the reasons why I'm reluctant to create a Patreon of my own. But I'm glad you're willing to combat and I'm gonna support you ^^