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It's 2017, now, and I want to thank everyone for a great 2016. This keeps going because each and every one of you has placed a stake in making sure of it. I love all of you more than you know.

Things for 2017: More work videos for the $12+ tiers. More Brooke comics for everyone else. The adult comics continue. I also want to start sketching things out again. I've been a little slack about doing more sketches for myself since the sketch warmup commissions tend to dominate that area, these days.

Speaking of warmup commissions for the $50 tier:

I'm aware that some people are capitalizing on their commission slot by auctioning off appearances in them, every month. That's fine with me. I also know that people post their warmups here and there, and have them edited, sometimes even animated. Again, this is fine. When you buy your commission, it's yours. You can do with it what you please.

I also know that at least one person is using friends/alts/whatever to effectively hold two commission slots a month. I wasn't sure what to think about this at first, considering how hard it is to jump on an open slot in the tier, they must be really on the ball to manage to do it twice. But for the sake of being able to allocate a scarce resource, starting at the beginning of Feburary, I'll be enforcing the rule of effectively allowing only one slot per person. If it's obvious there's a pattern of one person having their characters and ideas drawn twice per month, while many others wait for an open slot, I will clear up that extra slot held by their friend/alt.

Thank you all!

Jay Naylor



I'm so glad we had a great year last year and looking forward to an even better one And damn I had no idea it was even possible to get 2 slots let alone 1 slot. I'd kill for a $50 tier slot


Those $50 tier slots are sacred man, only reserved for the chosen, at least that is how its seen from the bottom of the hierarchy. Keep it up man, brilliant work.


I wish you a happy new year and wanna thank you for all the great stuff you´ve created to our liking and how much you care for your supporters. This is one reason I never even spend one second thinking about chanceling my pledge! As for your plans for this year, I really appreciate more Brooke content and the scetch idea is really great (more and more stuff to look at! :3). I always enjoyed your vids, so you know what I´m thinking about having more of them! Dude, you rock and I´m looking forward to whatever comes this year (and maybe finally get a commissioner slot...)! Greetings!


It's pure luck. I happened to check here in December of last 2014, saw an open slot by chance. Jumped on it immediately, ha. Patreon used to have a waiting list that would notify people when a spot opened up, but I guess they did away with that.


Congrats on the fantastic year! Looking forward to what you've got planned for 2017!


Congrats! Maybe we might see some more "Original Life"?


Happy New Year fisk! :D


I think that's beyond fair. Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to seeing all your talented artwork for 2017


Dreams about 50$ slot ;_;

Michael J Simmons

I would love to be able to get a shot at a $50 slot.

Johnny Grimm

The 50 spot is like the grand line


Here's to another great year of great art. Here's also hoping for a shot at a commission or two in the latter part of 2017.


i was wondering if you would ever update your comic you have on your website because I started reading it yesterday and finished it today and seeing as it not finnished I wanted to know when it will be updated. again


Very nice