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When I have so many things I want to sketch and work on, but I'm burning the midnight oil making sure I have the comic stuff ready for update on the 5th, because I love all of you.

EDIT: Every time I post something like this, I get a lot of "don't burn out!" comments. I've been doing this for decades, and I love what I do. If I was going to burn out, it would have happened a long time ago. I appreciate your concerns though. I love my job.




All the love


And we love you too. Once the 5th comes you’ll have a bit more time for the fun stuff your looking forward ro

Charlie Hart

We love you too! Please don't burn yourself out.

Facundo Daniel

Thanks, Jay. You're very kind. We look forward to your work for the following month 😉

Ed Daniels

Thank you, I love you art, just make sure to take care of yourself


Reptiles of Lustria

Relax Jay. Thanks for the love, but we are happy whenever you put stuff out. We are eager patrons, not an algorithm 😊


Go for it if you want, but don't burn yourself out, we love you too.


We all love your work, don't stress yourself out though


This is really wholesome. We appreciate all your efforts Jay. Keep up the good work and I hope you feel good today.