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She still looks amazingly hot 🔥


Love that story line, hope there is a chance for more of it in the future


Hahaha I see it’s going well. That was an unexpected laugh

Mari Mcgee

The joys of being a den mother.


Definitely get some werewolf mom from Hotel Transylvania vibes lol.

AquaWolfX 87

The B side of Breeding Stock

Lord Chaos

You knew the job was dangerous when you took it.




Best Mom! :-))

Texas Gent

I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing an non-lewd side story revolving around the shenanigans of her cubs

Cute Uncle Gobu

This reminds me of a bit in TAWOG


Would love to see some of theire knotted dicks filling a female again.

Reptiles of Lustria

Hmm. Hotdog down a hallway anyone? XD Awesome job woof mom!


LOL, that's an awesome one.


Hahah, this is priceless 🤣!


*snicker* :D

Glenn Sellers

Offhand, I'd say it's going quite well. Of course, that doesn't mean she's enjoying it any.

Leo G.

Hopefully by about #5 the young ones can help with taking care of the younger ones? Or do the pups age at human speed and not mature (physically) until 16 years or so?

Brian Kim

Mixed this story


Consider converting a few nannies. Or at least one obedience trainer.

Quintus Aurelius

she's got two teats for 20 kids. i bet she is damn sore.


Still looks firm & trim after having all those pups. 😁


She seemed to be more enjoying the first part of it that’s for sure xD

Daniel Mountain

Need more human breeding volunteers, clearly. And maybe don't send a mocking letter daring the authorities to go after you, this time?

Glenn Sellers

Well, yeah. The making of the babies is a WHOLE lot more fun than the dealing with them just ask any mother of rowdy kids. LOL.


I only have two "kits," and have the same expression in the mornings. Even at human 16 years old, I doubt the decision making skills of some teenagers. Lol.


Happy late mother's day ❤️


It was such an interesting Story! My absolute favorite comic.

Bryant Holmes

Literally what we say at work; 'paperwork is the offspring of all the fucking around we did at the beginning of shift'

Infamous Paradox

Now I’m really curious as to how the wolf lady from enemies is doing right now!