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This started out as just a sketch to culminate a possible story involving Sundew, Mistress Theressa, and a new character there, in the Cottonwine world. I thought it'd be a simple cute sketchy layout, but I kind of hate how much open space there is and how plain the angles where the characters are in relation to each other. Oh well.




You had me at Sundew and Mistress Theresa. If there’s one story I miss you not finishing it’s that one


Sundew sowing wild oats lol

quin neary

Mate looks hot as hell I love ur work can’t wait for this


Oh man I hope we see more of Mistress Theressa and her manual. It was just getting interesting when it stopped, and I was really looking forward to instructions on how to mate with a horse.


Part of me wants to redraw the old pages. I was looking over them and can do so much better if I set it aside as a real project.

Texas Gent

Yes, yes, and hell yes! All of this! Make babies! Get messy!


Every character named 'Serious' ends up being _interesting_. I can't wait. ^^


Oh I hope we can get some more cottonwine again


That horse a unicorn without the horn. This will be interesting. I can only imagine the pretty boy antics he'll get into at Mistress Theresa and Sundew's expense.


Nah, just a horse. According to my notes, the horse folk are called Quintans, for some reason.


Thank you, Jay. Will we be seeing more of the Porcine-like people, again, too? I remember them from the earlier pages for Mistress Theresa.


No problem. The dynamics of this relationship series, especially since I haven't seen a slender build stallion since the younger fella from Huckleberry Anne for a while now, has me hooked either way. He looks mischievous. 😍

Dale Evans

So excited to see more of Mistress Theresa and Sundew! I loved the guide... Can’t wait to see what happens!


The originals are great! While I was hoping to see her take a huge muscular stallion, with a big flared cock; I do love this pink Fem stallion.

Rose Head

Loved mistress Theresa’s guide big fan of that work so I’m definitely down for this

Steve O

"I kind of hate how much open space there is and how plain the angles where the characters are in relation to each other. Oh well." - You're far too harsh on yourself, the sketch is great.

Manrid Brizon

Nice design! K.I.S.S. isn't always a bad thing. I find myself curious about his character. Is he a cocky playboy with that roguish charm? The playful goofball with a lusty streak? The shy, naive boy who knows all the wrong women? Or perhaps he's the nice guy, the goodie two-shoes who has a certain thing that the more aggressive women gladly take? Kind of looks like it could be the first two, but you never know!


Stay gold, Ponyboy :)


Even though it's not as popular, would really like to see a return to the Cottonwine Universe. Both Madame Theresa and the Missionaries could use another chapter.

Brandon Lynch

Question: Your Cottonwine universe is more like a series of book pages correct? Not an actual comic with a set ending right? Do you remember how many pages? I found an archive from 2018 with 10 pages and a few extra drawings with that tag when I searched on here. Lastly, horse furry fan here so....ummm....This looks like it would be smashingly amazing if it becomes a comic!!!! Edit: after poking around, adding these three together may be the next best thing beside Force of Nature. Can not wait to see what you turn out even if it is just a few sketches!!