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This was Warwolf's final sketch commission from last month, after finally getting ahold of him. The only bad thing about the pay-now pledge system is that as soon as someone grabs a $50 slot, I owe them a sketch that month. Ah well. Just a few more hours of work.

I actually kind of enjoy getting to draw tech and armor like this, sometimes.




I'm going to miss WarWolf's commissions. Well done Jay!

Chris Shaffer

Maybe put up a disclaimer like "If you grab this slot after X day of the month, I might need some wiggle room to get the sketch done." on the reward slot itself. Now, that said, I'm sure people would understand that and not need to be told, but having it in writing might take a load off your mind.


a furry commander shepard, i like it.


Soo when will his slot be available? Id love to up my pledge to the $50 tier


I'm gonna miss it, too, man. Once I can, I'll be adding my name to the list again. Maybe one day, I'll be back. :p

Glenn Sellers

I love the interesting mix of ancient (feathers in the hair/fur) and body armor.


Very mass effect inspired looking armor, then again your no stranger of the franchise.