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Brooke's not seeing anyone in particular, right now, so she's with indescribable purple essence guy.



Jay Arr

I’m not used to seeing her in color lol

Sky Rider

You should make the purple guy a human just to throw off everyone who’s following all of your world timelines


Good to see Grimace is getting out there


Then we'd get FNAF theories, and no one wants that.

Sky Rider

I was thinking the human would be a color other than purple…maybe Latino?

Cute Uncle Gobu

The man behind the slaughter (of that puss)

Hunter Byers

Yo Freddy's goin be pissed


God damn


I really love Brooke , my all time favorite OC of yours , someday i got to gift you a fan-art of her , keep up the good work Jay !

Viro Veteruscy

Pretty lucky purple guy >w>


I love those tight lil shorts


Love the sweat details in your work Jay Naylor

Rose Head

Purple dude gets all the ladies very secretive 🤣. Maybe one day he’ll have his own short sequence so we can get a glimpse into his world.


I wonder if we'll ever get a Francis focused comic.

Brandon Lynch

The sweat is oddly hot in comics but I think I'd grab a garden hose and wash my partner down if she ever tried to crawl in bed like that 🤣 lol


Is Brooke fucking a genie


His name should be IPEG Brooke and Ipeg