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  • pvideo014.mp4



Another work vid for the steering committee tier, where I discuss the voting for future comics, and a few other things. Kept this one to about twenty minutes.



Lord Kaio

Its cool watching an artist work.


It's a real gift to see you in full creation. many thanks !


Have fun at your con, I just went to AC last month and that was my first ever Furry convention, it was incredible. I am very happy with the voting results. Mary Anne is a favorite of mine and I'm glad she's next up. But I'll admit I'm also happy that Rachael will be up next. It's been on your back burner for a while. But I personally voted for the Cottonwine Bestiary. I enjoyed are brief talk on the subject and would really love to see where you go with it in the way you describe it especially with those saving Orcine you've described since this will be the first time I see you drawing a swine type character. When the vote comes up I'll be voting for that again ;) As for a question, in your Mass Effect play through who did you romance? I always love asking fellow ME fans that question. It's always fun discussing that question. I initially romanced Liara but I have no shame in saying my favorite romance was Fem Shep and Garrus, it felt like such a real romance!!!!!


I really enjoy these work vids! Can't wait for the Rachel comic to be started. It sounds great that you want to give us some new scetches for a few new votes. This'll be fun. On top of that I'm curious what a picture with the new coloring style you mentioned will look like and if it really makes you even faster. I'm totally fine with six pages a month but if there are more to come in the near future...Hell YES!!! Have a nice day! :3