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The poll is over and it looks like almost double the people prefer Lynne's lighthearted story to have a full comic later on, and Kaori's more serious depiction to have a series of images sooner.

There were a lot of good comments in favor of a Kaori comic, most of which revolve around it being actual character development and wanting to learn more about Kaori, and how Lynne already has been in several main comic projects. The results of the poll aren't that surprising to me, because in the past, Kaori has never polled especially well. I've always wondered if it was just because of the array of other stories she was up against, or if people just don't like her themes.

I also wonder if she consistently polls poorly just because people don't like her as a person. She's meant to be a bit of a villain and not necessarily likable.

In any event, I'll be starting some Kaori drawings soonly. Thank you all for participating. :3




Lynne is very fun. And the story you presented sounds like it’d be amusing not to mention the boys she’ll be with are also amusing. Kaori like you said isn’t particularly likeable as a character. I wouldn’t mind seeing more into her backstory about why she is the way she is but compared to Lynne it’s Lynne everytime


What will Kaori's images be? Like what situation is going to be depicted and such?

Sky Rider

I personally only voted against Koari here because she was going to be submissive, instead of the power dom I love her as. Not sure if others share my sentiment about that


Dammit I wanted to know a bit qbout koari


Got a good laugh seeing my comment in there lol. Any Naylor work is good work. I'm sure it'll be cool regardless

Glenn Sellers

The biggest reason I voted for Lynne is because I just have a thing for blondes (especially blondes that have proof they don't dye). There are things about Lynne I don't particularly care for (a couple of her fetishes) but, I can deal with it. However, I'm like a few others here, I wouldn't mind knowing about Kaori's backstory. Maybe sometime in the future you could do that.

Viro Veteruscy

I too picked Lynne over Kaori due to Kaori being submissive and not as in control as she appeared to be. Kinda hard as sometimes characters tend to blend into each other when it comes to personalities and some philosophies that almost feels like we're seeing the same person but in a different skin. I guess something a bit more distinct would help as it seems like most get some sort of sudden awakening or just want to be punished for some reason despite their track record. Lynne was more of a safe pick given how she's been established.

Rose Head

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Rose Head

Me too! Thanks jay! And yknow it’s interesting That a lot of people that don’t like kaori also don’t want to see the object of their hatred turned into a cum sponge by a bunch of bulls but ….not that I’d mind 😜. I really wouldn’t mind waiting if they both got a full story

Rose Head

Sorry I was just messin thank you for including my comment in the poll results this one was pretty contentious I wouldn’t mind seeing going gritty and dark side with jay naylor every now and again though I have high hopes for the upcoming images I wonder how you would capture kaori being humped and used while conveying a dark sort of underbelly to the scene. Time will tell


I'd really love to see you do the same poll in a week but framed in the opposite way, asking which character should get a project first (as opposed to phrasing it as which character should get the full comic) and see how the results differ. It wouldn't be a proper control group because they've obviously been exposed to the original question, but it might allow you to ballpark the number of people who didn't read and/or understand the actual question and simply voted for their favorite.


I totally voted for Lynne, yes, simply because for me Kaori's "evil vibe" is too much for full comic. However, I would like to see a character development process


I would love to see more of kaori, but I love lynne, shes got that bratty I dare you attitude and WANTS them to, also I like bush. I say just go for a kaori story next time the idea strikes you, don't poll it