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Worked on this new character today. I'm likely to go with the darker complexion, but I thought I'd share the entire spectrum with you.




The darker complexion gives a nice contrast


Hey that's my fetish

Craig from Omaha

It'd be funny if she had a trucker's tan under all that wool.


I’ve never seen a sheep girl from you, this is so surprising


From left to right, I personally like the third one. Nice blend

Lord Kaio

With respect because these are your characters.... But wouldn't she be a lighter skin underneath her wool? Unless she periodically takes off her wool in the Sun... Not against the sheep, just my thoughts on it


I like her already! She a fluffy girl (before shearing).


Her body skin is lighter than her face, hands, and surrounding the hooves.


So fluffy and cute


I thought the outline of the coat was just her shivering in this cold weather some of us are enjoying. I love the design.

Cloud Grandson

Sexy and fluffy. The best combo

Allan Bell

Very nice work. I like the colouring second for the right most


I’d like to think that she’s secretly a nudist :))


Oh no (flashbacks of BeepBeep Im A Sheep)


Was she fleeced?


Darker looks good, keep up the great work!!!


So fluffy and so lovely, I really like her darker skin. Tsad rolls in wool fantasy


Dark skin tone for her skin that's covered by wool would be interesting to see for her & light skin tone for would be interesting contrast for her. Does she this lovely las have lovely name for her.

Viro Veteruscy

Dark skin + Wool = *Chef's Kiss*


Dark skin is closer to the truth.. I would like to see how Mabel is being stripped...


the darker skin tone is definitely more appealing for her, even though logically she'd be pinker under her wool.

Glenn Sellers

I do know that most sheep have black faces so the darker skin would make more sense, in my humble opinion.

Nicholas Kratzer

I agree on the darker complexion. It contrasts nicely with her hair/wool and I just like that skin tone. Cute character, over all. Can't wait to see what you do with her, especially with all that wool.

Chris Shaffer

Reminds me of an erotic story I read once in a fantasy setting that had, among other things, anthropomorphic sheep and there's a whole bit about how being sheared is a kink for some of them.


Human skin tones look a little weird to me. Most sheep have white or black skin tones. But, if I had to choose between these, the darker skin tone is more appealing. Id go even darker though.

Rose Head

to be honest, the skin doesn't bother me but the face throws me off a bit. I prefer more cutesy than mature but that's just me. Not a deal breaker but hmmmm.


she need a fluffy bikini "hair" cut ;3 or other cute or sexy looking cuts for her fluffy hair !


Now, this is quite a treat. It's weird because, up to now, I can't remember ever seeing a worthwhile anthro sheep. I think the dark skin is a great call, or maybe darker. I don't know, you're the artist. I wonder though, have you thought of making her hair a little closer to the texture of her fleece? I mean, like, curly. Like, reeally curly... nappy even? A lot of pretty girls have hair like that. Like, some girls with dark skin, for example, you know?

Walter Loy

Yep, darker tone is right for her.


maybe, some fur in between long and shaved? or shaved in a more stylized/sexy/cute way? Dark is cool


She appeals to the “Old Goat” in Me!

Ian Birchenough

With a fleece like that she won't have tannlines betweem knee wrist and neck.


I like the darkest skin color best. It makes a nice contrast


Mabel looks sexy and I can see her having fun with how much she shears off at a time for different looks.💖

Antonio C

she needs a gold bell accent, earrings, a necklace or choker, something.