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Not sure why. I'm contacting smarter people than myself to find out why it's a Dreamhost placeholder right now.

EDIT: Site is working now. They changed some IP things with the things of IP and stuff and things, and it had to propagate the new things while we were using the old things and something technical.



Working fine for me over here in NZ now, guessing your smarter people are suitably smart :D


Oh dear... Then again, probably their servers went down for quick maintenance

Sneaky V



Still seems to work for me in eastern PA. O.o


That's weird. I can still access it from some devices, but not others. Multiple internet connections too. I have managed to get a parked domain page, a 404 message, and full regular comic archives - even when forced to load without the cache. All at the same time. This is new and fascinating kinds of broken.


Yeah, seen this kind of thing before - which is why I mentioned where in the world I was viewing it from. It's usually the other way round though, very weird. And luckily I managed to avoid spending more than quarter of an hour browsing the archives this time! :D


So, after some tests: The domain name "jaynaylor.com" no longer points to the website. The page is functioning correctly, but the domain is not pointing to it. Either it expired, or there is a DNS configuration error. Anyone who CAN acess it right now, is working with a cached DNS result - your isp/router/browser is just using the same address it got last time you went to the site. That address is still good, but the domain name is no longer pointing to it.

Glenn Sellers

I guess your people got it fixed because I just tried the link in zeel's comment and it took me straight to the page. The drawing on that page was of Beth in her black string bikini, if that tells whether or not it's working.