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The steering committee voted on Francesca's (Ches') color pattern and here's how she ended up. I whipped this up on the fly to have a picture for her, and now I'm going to go back to working 100% on the adult comic project, so I can have many pages to show when it's time to update.

This is probably the last stand alone image from me for a while, but I'll keep you all up to date. Thank you!

There are two versions. One with less darkness so you can probably make out a bit more. But I kind of like the first one.



Lord Kaio

She's awesome

Aeryn Light

This is really hot~


I more like the shadows of the first one too. I wonder whose the lucky guy to stumble on her


Damn she is a hottie.


Those big, luscious bunny breasts are giving me a craving for a bunny milkshake. 🤤

Lord Kaio

Oooooo okay perhaps I should mind my own business...but...... What if she and Marley became a thing? They're both internet porn addicts. They're not really interested in real people. I guess I could see them both starting as penpals moving on to a virtual relationship, and finally when they do get together they each masturbate to each other's porn fetishes. The last page could have them both toying with the idea of being intimate with each other but then dismissing it as "she/he wouldn't be into it...I think."


I’m already ahead of you with tentative ideas, since they are of similar habits but for different reasons. Marley is this way because he is addicted to porn variety, while Ches finds relationships too bothersome.

Lord Kaio

Huzzah! I'm glad my thinking was close to yours. I'm excited to see what you have in store


Looking closely I feel like the porn she’s watching is that Cottonwine piece of the Equine tribe member and that human girl. I love that piece


It actually works. I don't know how you do it, but you made it work, you brilliant Sir.


Jay strikes again! Another beautiful art piece


Pretty cute. Bun girls are usually fun characters.

Kristopher Lambert

I like the darker one. Because it actually goes well with the captions. Was a bit hard to see when I firsted looked at it. The lighter one you don't really get the same feel.


I wonder who caught her. And what happened next. XD Probably not what I would imagine. lol


The milk truck has arrived


FAKEhotel is nice yep.


"Not if I'm greeted with a side like this ^^"

TY 2022

She's cute. Can we see more of her.


I come back to look at this almost daily now. I think this is my new favorite creation of yours. I look forward to seeing this character grow.