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Hello, everyone! I'm heading off to Furry Weekend Atlanta tomorrow and so I won't be around for a few days. Everything I plan to share with the $6+ tiers is ready to go for when I get back. I should be getting back on the 4th of April, and all pledges should be finished processing by around the 5th as usual, so nothing will be delayed in that respect.

To fend off the usual questions:

- I'm not working the convention

- I'm not taking commissions on the spot

- I'm just going to meet and talk to my friends as a regular attendee

Back to regularly scheduled updates and communication on Tuesday. Thank you all!




Have fun and be safe!


Have fun!


Hey I'm actually attending Anthrocon in June, I've never been to a Furry convention before, (I've done like comic con but never a con dedicated to furries) what's it like?


Hope to see ya there! If you notice me around I'll buy you a drink. (Provided you drink. Would be kind of a waste otherwise I suppose...)


I wish I could go to some of those conventions. :c

TY 2022

Have fun!


Have an awesome time, sir!


Is it weird that I'm a Jay Naylor patron, but people in furry suits make me feel uncomfortable?


Not really the difference between fantasy and reality s often enormous. Most people don't understand that and then it leads to pointless arguments about material like shota or erotica.