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OL 580 is now up. http://jaynaylor.com/originallife/


Viro Veteruscy

Good stuff, glad the comic is still going :3


Good to see them back together. Just hope Beth doesn't try to get him into bed for old times sake because I think we all know Fisk wouldn't jeopardize his marriage or family.


I just can't wait to see more. I wonder if Trixie's will pop up?


This is even better than I expected! I love her expressions. She seems very happy to see him.

Glenn Sellers

Well, Beth always did prefer more realistic art over the current fad art.

Glenn Sellers

Oh, yeah. Beth's looking good for a woman in her early 40s. She doesn't look like she's aged a day since college.


Early 40s? I think you're off by a decade. Given how young Fisk's children are the Better Days cast should be in their early 30s.

Glenn Sellers

rip_cpu, if you read the Better Days comic, you'll see that Fisk met Beth while she was a classmate of Lucy's. Fisk had joined the Army at age 18 and met Beth a short while afterward. Fisk spent at least 8 years in the Army. After that he stared his current job. Meanwhile, Elizabeth got married to someone who she caught cheating on him. Now, the way Better Days was written, Fisk was on his job at least a year before Elizabeth divorced her ex-husband and, eventually, married Fisk. If we figure it was at least a year after they got married before Elizabeth had Janie and we know that Janie is at least 10 years old, Beth has to be no younger than 38. Sorry to be so longwinded; but, I thought I needed to explain how I got my age for Beth.