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Six more pages done. This comic is a beast. It's up to 34 pages with more to go. I anticipate finishing it in November, but if not this month, then at least early in December. The steering committee has already voted on the next comic to be done after this, and it concerns Penny the mouse.

Back issue list remains unchanged. Here you can find them:







Cursed Doll

Just thought about this comic last night 👍🏽


Dam, girl! The rhyming comment made me think of one of your older comics. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing another of those, some time. The word play was quite good.


Hot damn Aaron, that's a huge load! Finally got to hit that sweet nudist ass like he wanted.


Poor Aaron seemed lost with Trixie being so aggressive

Pony Stark

Nice callbacks to "Trixie's Creep". Still likes having her ears pulled while having her ass pounded

Ciera Carrera

I’d really welcome seeing Beth have some of that load find it’s way to some kitty eggs.

Daniel Mountain

The "Chekov's Gun" rule would suggest that there's no point mentioning her birth control if she wasn't going to be pregnant by the end of this, but tropes are made to be broken.


Damn Trixie is nasty.

Anne Bloodrose

Actually the hint has been dropped a few times that Beth may have a bun in the oven. In her first encounter with Ty there's a shot of swimmers and in my experience when Jay draws swimmers a bun cooking in the over is likely to follow in short-ish order.