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OL 577 is up currently. http://jaynaylor.com/originallife/



Nailed it :)


HAHA! Yeah, I know why he didn't want her to come along. XD


I still can't imagine what it was like for geeks and nerds back in the day. Was it really as bad as the movies showed it was cause nowadays most of the people I know are geeks including the hot girls XD

June Vasquez

I wonder when update new pages in every weekend?


The funny part about the comic is. My dad said about the same think Fisk said when I dragged him too Comic Con. Just not saying it too my mom. But Yeah.

June Vasquez

Violence downtown?! :O

Goth Skunk

Here's hoping geeks continue to stay this way.

Viro Veteruscy

One day I will go to a Con TwT

Glenn Sellers

It wasn't AS bad as the movies portray it. But, it was pretty bad. I was a "geek" because I was more concerned with education that sex in high school and was pretty much ostracized. But, I never had to endure the torture that is portrayed in the movies.

Glenn Sellers

I don't blame Fisk here. I'm 60 y.o. and, if I saw that walking by ME, I'd look to. I wouldn't care who I was talking to on the phone. LOL.


Love the kids' looks while they're eating. XD


What a time to be alive...