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Patreon's having issues where sometimes cards are being declined. I had my own and had to rely on a paypal backup, despite there being no issue with the card. In my experience, these are often caused by processing companies more than the banks that hold the cards, but whatev.

If you're having decline issues, just be sure to update your payment settings to add an alternate form of payment for Patreon. Hopefully, it squares itself out soon.



My payment went through without a hitch, can't wait for more Lupe on Tuesday :)


Can you tell who's have gone through?


My patron list is too large to scour for individual names, but if you were declined, you'd notice it in your pending pledges section.


All of my pledges seem to have gone through with an issue. D= Hopefully this gets fixed soon, kinda sucky for the artists.... =c


My pledges went through, can't wait for updates.


I just tried a different card. Am I still going to get this month's updates?


Seems like my pledges did not went through...unfortunately! I tried to confirm my card again and hopefully it'll work fine next month. Jay, is your donation button on your homepage working? I want to donate my pledge. It's the least I can do!


Bit late to this particular party but since this is about payment issues I figured I'd mention it here. I'm trying to pledge but apparently the only payment option available is credit card. Is something wrong or am I simply missing something?


I've only heard of cards and paypal as being options. Maybe the paypal option doesn't exist anymore because it's paying for adult material.


Thanks for the swift reply. I hadn't thought of that but that does indeed appear to be the problem. Looks like I'll have to figure out a way around that.